Dog Nail Cutters for Flower StemsI've tried all types of scissors including the ones that are for metal, cardboard, etc., those heavy duty kitchen scissors but I've never tried my stainless steel puppy nail cutters. They are absolutely hands-down the easiest. The blade doesn't slide off the stem. It gives a nice even cut, which is better for the flowers.
Making a Pill Container for Pocket or PurseUse plastic gallon milk jug and water bottle caps to make a pill container.
Elephant in the GardenI took this photo in the butterfly garden. There were so many lovely beautiful, colorful, quiet little beauties in that garden! I must have taken 100 pictures that day. Thru the camera lens I peered and snapped photos and all of a sudden I saw an elephant!
Reuse Special Christmas BowsReuse special Christmas bows for years to come, as you can see in the photos. After the present is open, you can easily remove the bow and use again.
Flatten Shirt Lapel Without an IronHere is how to get the flattest lapel in town; it is better than using an iron. Take your shirt out of the dryer and hang up on a hanger damp or if it's already dry apply a mist of water to the edge you are looking to press.
Credit Card for Loose Tape EndTake an old credit card or hotel key, cut it 1/2 inches and use as a tongue to secure the tape from sticking to itself. You will be able to use the plastic tongue to pull the tape out easily.
Pop Your Plastic LidI have a hard time getting the lids off my Tupperware! Dollar store containers are a good buy but nearly impossible to pop the lid on. I save the rubber bands that come around broccoli and other vegetables for further use. Cut the rubber band and put it under the lid and snap the lid shut.
Removing Bacon in One PieceI don't know how many times I've tried different ways to get one piece of bacon out of the package and into the pan flat, not ripped not torn but flat.
DIY Shirt Collar Stays from Magnetic Hotel KeysThis is a simple way to recycle magnetic keys from past hotel stays into shirt stays. One key makes 6 stays.
Recycled Magnetic CylinderThis magnetic cylinder craft is made from a Pringles can. Check out the last photo, it is the comparison of the one I used as an example and the actual ad for two of these on line with a cost of 8.99. You are making out of something you were going to recycle. ''
Craft Project: Recycled Crayon HolderAn easy inexpensive way to hold crayons, scissors, markers, colored pencils etc. Take the 7 water bottles, wash and remove paper labels.
10 Gallon HeartIn traveling with my children, I noticed everything always was easier and better if Grandpa was going. It was like bringing a living breathing toy along. He always had 3x5 index cards in his pocket and an extra pen so when the children got fidgety, he would say "Draw grampa a picture and I'll give you a piece of candy" which he had stored in his pocket.