14th Birthday Ideas?
Thrift Shop Party. Its super cheap for decorations and costumes. Go to a thrift store and shop. .....or, have your guest bring over a bag with 10 or more items from their closet that they can share and swap
House Plants that Will Grow in Water?
Pothos will do well in water with good filtered light. Google the image, its a common plant.
Saving Money on Dishwasher Detergent?
I also just started using the the Sun Dishwasher Detergent @ Dollar Tree, and it is better than I expected it to be. With any brand I use I will often add a splash of vinegar inside the dishwasher bottom and the glasses are never cloudy.
Frugal Landscaping Tips
Go to an Agricultural Fair and buy plants from the people who bring them to show. Some bring extra plants to sell, not just their Blue Ribbon plants. The lowest prices are on the last day of the fair as they wont have to transport them home.
Frugal Landscaping Tips
Go cruise your neighborhood on Yard Waste Pickup day. Many discards have roots and can be replanted. You can also trade cuttings/diggings with your neighbors and friends.