Plastic Cup Contemporary Light
Gorgeous! Arent you a genius!!! Thesed look nice with white lights, too, for a wedding or the like! I LOVE it!
A Plea For The Animals
I absolutely couldnt agree more with every bit of this post. My family includes dogs, cats, and a big fish in a giant aquarium all his own (hes the loner type who prefers it that way). The largest part of my time is spent on my fur (and fin-) kids...especially...
Cozy Mittens from Sweater
Brilliant! Oh, the sweaters Ive relinquished that wouldve made adorable mittens! Keeping my eyes open now...
Tester Pot (Paint Sample) Wall Art
Awesome! If you only knew the right people in the right places, that work could be worth millions! I do have much random paint...Hmmm...
Wreath Made from a Book
I cringed along with Nightsong, but totally see Donnas very good points. But seeing a book torn and sliced up does give me a sting (maybe being a writer is involved...) But I DO know ONE book that would bring tears to very few eyes to dismantle--the useless...
Making a Warm Fuzzies Jar
Adorable! I wish Id thought of that when my kids were little! Wonder if itd work for teens & up...Or husbands...
Paper "Tea Light" Shades
My favorite kind of craft--quick and simple but with amazing results! Stunning!
Converting a Twin Bed into a Day Bed
Extremely cute and cozy! Makes me want to sink with a book in and sip some tea!
Tahitian Eepoo
Very interesting...but I need to find a good vegan fish substitute to have my eepoo with! And where to find banana leaves...
How To Control Ants In Your Kitchen
I like your method, since everybody goes home happy. I have ants on my kitchen counter every morning, too...and cats all over my floor, all looking for food. Id just prefer the ants eat outside! Im all over your idea, thanks again...from me and all the hungry...
Dishwasher Cubes
What an awesome idea! Even better than the ecologically sound ones that use plastic wrappers! Good for you!
My Orphaned Garden Friend
Such a beautiful little creature! Just as beautiful as all the chickens, turkeys, cows, and pigs Im certain all us posters wouldnt dare be ugly and eat! Im sure theyd all be quick to befriend a friendly, trustworthy human...if only given the chance.
Morning Dew Car Wash
Thintie - youre on to something... Kudos to you for having your priorities straight!
Felt Veggie Garden
ABSOLUTELY precious! My kidsve always gardened with me; they wouldve LOVED to have this adorable toy to get them through the winter! Heck, I think a lot of adults might find planting felt veggies therapeutic right now. Me included! GREAT job!
Big Family on The Farm
I tell my husband over and over that we need to move out into the country to save on the ridiculously high cost of living here. There is NO way we could survive on what you guys do and live where we live. My hub makes six figures, and we barely make ends meet...
In/Out Sign for Cat
ABSOLUTELY adorable, Donna! I have multiple kits, so youve inspired me to make a chart-type sign with movable name labels! Again, what a GREAT idea! It is so hard to keep track sometimes (and make sure everyones in at night)! And Im with ya on the hubby thing...
Almost Grandma's Applesauce
Oddly enough, my grandmas applesauce was blended smooth in a blender! Maybe a carried-over favorite from when we were wee, who knows? How family memories differ! The applesauce you describe was introduced to us at a pumpkin patch at a local farm, smoldering...
Working Man's Cowl
Its obvious in your husbands eyes that he is well aware that he is a lucky man! Very nice work!
Felt Strip Flowers
Simple and adorable (and thrifty and fun! ;>) I love how the darker color on the lighter gives the illusion of shadow! My teen daughters room is all tea sets and flowers (she loves antique themes). These would be great in a pretty dusty rose or robins egg blue...
Treating Skunk Breath
Just be careful with giving raw potatoes. Be very sure that none are green. The green ones/parts are toxic.
Egg Color Anomalies Due to Hot Weather
So cool to know! I am so anticipating getting chickens in the spring (weve just been zoned to allow them! Yipee!). Im trying to absorb all the info I can now to be ready. I wouldve not thought of egg color as being predictive of health issues. At least not...
Tardis Solar Garden Lights
Simple and adorable...but I cant find these lights anywhere! Mightve stopped making!
Masking Paint with Press and Seal
Great tip - I wouldve never thought it would adhere well enough for that purpose if you hadnt mentioned it. I do a lot of painting; this will be a timesaver. Thanks again!
Removing Sticker Residue from Glass
Vegetable oil rubbed in to the spot, left for five mins or so, then wiped off works as well as anything. I keep a little in a sprayer for this (and for conditioning my cast iron pans after washing).
Citrus Does Not Repel Cats
Sounds to me like the cats themselves arent too miserable. ;> Maybe wrap some sort of slippery, expandable material around the trunks to keep cats from scratching and climbing. I think theres something called Tree Armor that might fit the bill. Then just chill...
Dog Suddenly Started Weeing in House?
It most definitely could be the rain. We had an Italian greyhound whod do that without fail...rain or snow. Our current pups have been taught to use the shower as their potty...prevents this and wee hour (pun intended) trips to the backyard. If the peeing inside...
Old Window Panes as Frames
What an awesome idea! I have an old window from my shed just lying out behind it that I just knew Id find a use for (whew!). You just saved me with my husband. Hell have to eat his its-gonna-sit-there-and-just-rot sentiments! Btw - your grandkids are cuties...
A Dog's Estrus Cycle (Heat)
Or if you are concerned about complications with anesthesia/surgery, dont want to cause hormonally-related medical problems (of which there are more involved with spaying than with not), and you think you have it in you to be responsible enough to not allow...
Playpen Reading Nook
Adorable! I almost wish my kids were still little so I could try this! ;> Great upcycle!
Make Use of Whatever Comes My Way
To try to share bounty? Very responsible. The only irresponsible thing about it is to not have found someone who needs and would appreciate it more than you. Or, you could blow the lid off irresponsibility by just flat out letting it go to waste like I did...
Chicks Week-by-Week (Weeks 1-6)
Lalala--I wish we all loved chickens as much as you do! Theyre such sweet animals who, if given the chance, love us so much! SO much better unbreaded...
Decorating Houseplants With Toys
Id bought an adorable holstein cow whos just sitting on my counter. Shes going out to pasture in my catgrass! ADORABLE, animal-loving idea!
Splitting Pills without Crumbling
Those thickened liquids are awful! My dad had to be on them for a while. Never has that man begged so for a bottle of water! I like your pill-splitting idea - seems it should work well for larger, round pills. I got excited seeing the title for this tip, because...
Family Fun Night
Sounds like a blast (or repeated blasts :> ) Youre such a good parent for taking time with your family! So many fail to realize the long-term value of such seemingly trivial pursuits...not to mention the unforeseeable amount of fun involved! One thing to note...
Use Stuffed Animals As Dog Toys
Thats exactly right, Hindsfeet. Toys designed for kids are required to have fire-retardant chemicals incorporated into the stuffing. If this stuffing is ingested, the fire-retardant compounds form a gel which blocks the animals intestines and quickly causes...
The Great Room Swap
Sandi, maam - YOU are my hero! We are tackling the same issue at my place - which is bigger, but with more hands to collect and deposit! My (teen) kids and I are into crafting, making costumes, etc... and we somehow end up as a storage unit for family as well...
Meat Loaf for Dogs
Sounds like my dogs would love it! Just watch the garlic and salt sub - especially if its potassium chloride (no salt, etc.) Too much of either can be lethal (the latter for humans as well!). These amounts in a recipe, where a much smaller portion will be eaten...
Pet Pals
Sooo cute! Id hate to see my cats chew these cute little guys up, though and they would. Maybe Ill make them with my daughter for her to display in her room. She loves adorable animal stuffies! Thanks for the detailed instructions and patterns!
Tea Tree Oil as Insect Repellent
Im sure you all know to keep it (and you wearing it) far away from cats and some dogs. Its been known to cause seizures and sometimes death.
Selecting A Good Watermelon
Very well said, Judy. If we could all quit wasting time being offended, we might just get along and even have some fun! Besides, point to ponder: what does it say about your own feelings of your culture and being when you take offense at being called what you...
Homemade Disinfectant Spray Cleaner could just use a light spray (or dribble, if you dont have a sprayer--most Windex, etc. sprayers work great--just poke a small hole in the seal on the alcohol bottle and insert) of isopropyl alcohol, followed by a quick wipe-down with a dry cloth. Disinfectant...
Craigslist for Lost Pets
Also, sad to say, dogfighters troll CL gathering free or very cheap pets to use as bait animals for training their fighting dogs. And there have been many cases of sick individuals collecting animals to torture for their own amusement. If you do find an animal...
Use Pillowcase When Transporting Cat
I have several cats, and they manage, all by their lonesomes, to find the tiniest, most smothery places to squeeze into. They LIVE for that kind of thing. Anyone with cats (who is a thoughtful enough owner to realize what cats like and provide it for them) knows...
Board to Let Fowl Escape from Water Container
A positive genius - I love it. Im applying that one anytime I can henceforth. So true, water can be such a danger. Great thought to provide for escape.
Homeopathic Care for Aged Animals
Careful with milk thistle if you have hyperthyroid kitties on Methimazole...
Homeopathic Care for Aged Animals
One of my old girls gets Gabapentin every once in a while for pain associated w/ her IBS...ask your vet about it. Very safe and effective.
Use Cooking Oil to Remove Sticky Residue Off Fur
Im with ya on the not wanting a mouse invasion (a recurring issue at my home as well). I do love animals, and I do think mice are cute (weve had one who would come out from behind the fridge at night and drink from the pet water bowl, and learned not to worry...
Say "No" to Pizza Delivery
When my son was diagnosed celiac, there went our pizza-delivery Fridays! It was getting weird, anyway, since my daughter and I are vegan and we were ordering ours cheeseless and adding our own vegan cheese at home. Twice-baked pizza--NOT so good. Weve found...
Use Yarn to Wick Water to Houseplants
Not polyester yarn though...plastic wont wick...must be cotton (or something absorptive), at least partially, Im guessing? Other than that - awesome idea! Much better than those ridiculous, hard-to-fill glass globes!
What Do You Do If Your Pet Gets Lost?
Tagging your child! How...brilliant! Reunions are so easy when anyone who sees your child can just ring your cell! Im sure many people (mainly those with no kids) will find some sort of fault with this. I used to keep my kids on tethers when out shopping (and...
Growing Zinnia
We have deer that spring right over our 6 privacy fence to eat our bean plants to the ground (NO kidding!). Theyve never touched our zinnia. Fair warning if you have lots of grasshoppers afoot; they love to munch just beneath the peduncle and half behead our...
Swimming Belly-up Goldfish Remedy
The peas are for constipation. When fish get backed up they go belly up. I have an Oscar who has been helped by pea therapy twice over the years. He now gets a few dehulled peas at the start of every meal... and if his picky butt refuses them he gets a tiny...