Still Trying To Be Frugal
Try buying your books from they are cheaper there. They are an off spring of Ebay.
Getting Free Craft Supplies for Charity Crafts?
Have you joined your local freecycle group online? That is an awesome place. It helps to recycle things. Its all free and helps keep things out of the land fill. I have even received a much needed car from there. If you are not a member, you can go to Freecycle...
Appropriate Tip For Waitress at Sports Bar?
Before I became disabled I was a waitress and when I went out on my night off I followed the rule of what tIip means to insure prompt service, but now I go more on how they treat me. Like we had a business meeting that was going to last 1 hour and everyone...
Personalized Dog T-Shirt?
I just buy a childs sweat shirt then write the names on with fabric paint or sew lace and sequins on it I get the shirts for a thrift shop or even a babys onesie.
Deviled Eggs for Halloween?
I am doing blood shot eyes when I boil the eggs. I pour off the hot water then roll the eggs against the pot kind of hard to crack them at odd places then I add red food coloring to the water but I use warm water and let them set for about 30 minutes then I...
Unable to Find Bags for Vacuum Seal Machine?
I found mine at Wal Mart. I just bought the generic brand, but they work just as well. And to my surprise, they carry more sizes this way than they do in the brand name ones.
Estimating Fabric Needed for Reupholstering a Couch?
I would say 18 yards. It has been years since I had my shop, but that was about what we allowed for the large sofa. If you are doing it all in one color, and if you are making throw pillows to go on it, you could make your welt cord a different color to match...
Making a Barbie Doll House?
I ordered something that came packed with thick Styrofoam around it. I took my electric craving knife and cut it to make a couch, another piece became a chair, we used pop cycle sticks to make the bed flat then sewed some fabric into a pillow shape for the...
Caring for the Homeless?
Being the type person I am, I would offer him some food an see if the neighbor hood could give him a few odd jobs to help him out. After all he is a human being he needs a little kindness in his life he is someones son, father, and with the way things are going...
Natural Treatments for Hyperactivity in Children?
I know you are going to think I am nuts but try black coffee.I have been using this method for years on my grand kids both my own and those that have adopted me as their grammy, but it really works. So much so that my grand daughters teacher will see her getting...
Homecoming Attire Advice?
Check on ebay they have one store on there that sells clothing at a good price. I am a big woman size 3x and just bought a dress for 60. with shipping and all.
Worming a One Month Old Kitten?
I use a product called nemex 2 it is one of the safest things I have found Debbie
Painting Kitchen Counter Tiles?
They sell a primer to paint the tiles so you can paint them and seal them to suit what ever your kitchen decor is.
Deodorant Reviews?
I have a bad problem with not being able to use just anything. I find that Mitchum works the best. Most clog my pores this doesnt. Plus after you use it for about a week if you happen to skip a day. You are pretty safe lol I found this out when I was waiting...
Using Cooked Lima Beans?
I have humus out of many kinds of beans besides chick peas.just pour off liquid and blend until smooth. I save the juice just in case I need a little also I add extra garlic. Debbie
Puppy is Chewing on the Carpet?
Try sprinkling red pepper on it. It does hurt them but it stings the nose so they stay away from it.
What Breed is My Dog?
I do animal rescues and I can see any pit what so ever actualy it looks just like my black lab did Debbie
Tips For Dealing With Stress?
I can tell you what works for me I take a hot bubble bath by candle light and listen to soft easy music I also have a cup of hot tea Debbie
Tips to Curb Cigarette Cravings?
Please be careful of the chantix it does have some bad side affects. One of the things it made me want to stop was living. I still smoke but am still working on the right cure for me. I have not hear of the butts in a jar I will have to try that one.