How Much Food Do You Toss?
LOl You really need to have a look at an oz site, simple savings, the things that you can do with leftovers is mind boggling. I have gotten my weekly grocery shop down to about 80 dollars, most weeks and about 200 once a month, and the chickens get some of...
Buying Internet Explorer 8?
Why do you think you have to pay for something that is built in to all windows systems, IE is nothing but a portal to access the net, great for setting up a new computer, but you really should look at getting a freeware setup, ie either google chrome, firefox...
Converting Slides Into a Digital Format?
Just started looking at this my self, photos are easy just a run of the mill scanner will do the job, but in the case of slides you need more upmarket variety, havent done a lot of research yet but hoping that getting the slides developed isnt the only option...
Online Data Storage?
My thoughts exactly puppermum, if your computer, is asking you to back up i would be making copies of all my important stuff, and then reformatting my computer, if you dont know how ask a friend or some one to help you with it. you have spyware, and it can...
Make Your Own Condensed Soup
Have you ever frozen any of it? I have been offered boxes of veges and apart from the normal, have run out of ideas what to do with them and this would be great. We use heaps of the rotten tin stuff.
Helping Child Get Ready in the Morning?
Is she like that on weekends when she has no school, if not may be worth talking to her teachers and finding out if she is being bullied or upset at school for some reason. My eldest son went for 6 months, dragging his butt off a morning, and we almost went...
Coffee Brisket
Iam putting together a basket of all things coffee, for a friend of mine and i just have to add this recipe, after searching all over the internet for coffee related stuff, just to get an idea, never would i have thought of using it to cook meat, now i have...
Chores for a 9 Year Old?
Ok, not so much a list of chores for a nine year old but the way that we do it. My kids a 9 yr old and 7 yr old twins (girl/boy), have to keep their own space tidy, take off their sheets and do various and many things as my husband is a truck driver and is...
Can I Plant A Veggie Garden In A Metal Washing Tub? This site is amazing. check it out.
Old "Washing Clothes" Recipe
Don,t know how wrenching,came about but I do remember standing at my grandmas trough bluing the clothes cause i was to small to wrench the clothes, Funny how things come back to you, didnt think ever in my Lifetiem to be talking about wrencing again to anyone...
$200 Biweekly Budget For Family Of 5?
You dont say how old your kids are but if they are old enough get them involved in cooking, preparing shopping. How come celery tastes so much better when they cut it them selves? but I can not do better than the above advice. If you can get hold of one a bread...