Useful Way to Recycle Multipack Bottle Handles?
Double your closet space! Put the hook of one hanger thru one hole and hang as normal. Then use the other side or hole to hang another garment.
Donating Fabric?
Donate them to an elementary school! I am sure there are teachers who would be happy to use them for art projects.
Donating Fabric?
If the pieces are big enough try an animal shelter. Even a few square feet folded up would make a comfy bed for a kitten.
Donating Fabric?
Is there a retirement home nearby? Residents may not be able to get out and purchase gifts for loved ones but a creative activities director may come up with projects the residents can make.
Information on Maybe/Definitely Cassette?
Could the words be transposed? There is a movie titled definately maybe, could it be the soundtrack?