Painting Bathroom With Almond Fixtures?
Since you didnt say the size of the bathroom, it really hard to say what color will look good with this, If you you have a small room, use a light color, as a baby blue, or a light green, it the bathroom is large you can go with a bolder color.
Ideas for a $300 Wedding?
Have a potluck meal have everyone bring their favorite dish, ask them to write out the recipe for the bride and groom, (great to get them started) and you supply the meat.
Reviews of Bounce Dryer Bar?
Yes I have bought one and Im not really crazy about it. It gets the lint from the dry on it, looks tacky and really dont work that well. Also it doesnt smell as good as bounce either.
Pit Bull Puppy Keeps Biting My Daughter?
Sometimes it just doesnt matter how the dog has been treated, have you called the vet? has this pup had its distemper shot yet, I had a six month old pup that was born from a litter from my pitt bulls, he crawled in bed with my 2 year old daughter and bite...
Food For Small Wedding Reception?
When we got married we had lunch meats, for sandwiches, beef and noodles ( homemade), cheese trays, salads, veggies trays,swedish meat balls, and cake, and punch
Living Off The Land
I know how much work this kind of life is, but I would love to go back to those simple days once again, Thank you Cin
A Good Tree for a Wedding Gift
What a great idea, I agree with a fruit tree if they like to can, But you need to know what kind of fruit they would like
Frugal Perm
I did this too, to my girls, but I would blow dry there hair about half way, there hair is so thick it wouldnt dry over night,
Casey (Pit Bull)
what a baby she is, she wont be spoiled much! now will she, She is very lucky to have you.
Poll: Do you have a video games system at your house?
yes we do, it was my idea to get them, The DH went out and got them,
Thin Pizza Crust Recipe?
PIZZA CRUST - THIN AND CRISPY 3 1/2 to 4 c. sifted all purpose flour 2 pkg. dry yeast 1 1/2 c. water Olive or vegetable oil 2 1/2 tsp. salt In large bowl, combine 2 cups of the flour and the yeast. Blend water, 3 tablespoons oil and salt; heat to lukewarm. Add...
Jello Creamsicle?
CREAMSICLE JELLO 1 (3 oz.) pkg. orange Jello 2 1/2 c. water 1 can mandarin oranges 1 reg. vanilla pudding 1 (8 oz.) Cool Whip
Cutting Homemade Noodles
I stack up all my noodle rounds roll them and and them cut them with a large knife takes me less then 10 mins to cut them up
Onion Smell in Bowls?
Ive always use baking soda and hot water soak your bowl in the soda water mixture for about an hour that should take that icky smell right out
Solo Cup Doll Lamp with Instructions
How cute, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to know how to make these, just found I am going to have my First Granddaughter ( first time being a Grandma), Grandma would love to make her one, if you are will to share, on how to make them, Cindy ( first time Grandma...
Cranberry-Walnut Pie Recipe
There are many to pick from, on Cindy ,Elkhart In. CRANBERRY PIE 2 c. fresh cranberries 1/2 c. chopped walnuts 3/4 c. granulated sugar 1 c. flour 1 c. sugar 2 eggs 2 tsp. almond extract 3/4 c. melted butter Mix cranberries, walnuts and sugar. Put...
Make Your Own Logs
I am trying to figure out away not to use wire, The wire may melt, also it takes a long time to cool down for removing the wire from the woodburner I like the idea about soaking the log in soapy water, Cindy Elkhart, In.
Another Use for Tomato Cages
great idea, !!!! my 14 year old will be learning to drive next year... Cindy Elkhart,In
Too Much Laundry?
Good Morning, I have 8 ppl. in my home, we have assigned days. Monday is the 2 younger boys (they share a room.) my brothers is Tues., 14yr old daughter on Weds,Daughter and son-in-law on Thurs. my and DH and Friday. if anyone has extra they have to do it on...
Gnats in The Diaper Pail?
Try bleach in the drains, and wash the daiper pail out with bleach. This is what I had to do years ago when my kids where small. Cindy
Low Sugar Pear Butter?
GRANDMOTHERS SILKY PEAR BUTTER 4 lb. ripe pears 1 c. orange pineapple juice 1/4-1/2 c. sugar to taste 2 tbsp. lemon juice 2 tbsp. orange liqueur (optional) 1. Wash, peel and quarter pears. Remove and discard cores. 2. Combine peeled pears, orange-pineapple...
Candy Recipe Using Soda Crackers?
Pine Bark Paulas Home Cooking 35 saltine crackers 1 cup butter 1 cup packed light brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 5 (4-ounce) milk chocolate bars, broken into pieces Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a 15 by 10 by 1-inch jelly roll pan with tin foil...
Yellow Zucchini?
I grow zucchini, and yes this is yellow zucchini, you make it just the same as green,
Colby (Terrier Mix)
he is so CUTE, you are so lucky to have such a little man in your life, I miss having puppies around the house, my puppy is 5 years old now
Homemade Chocolate Sprinkles
Great idea, what if you dont a candy kiss what about a piece of chocolate bark instead or even white bark would work too, CINDY: ELKHART Indiana
Quick Curtains
What a cool idea, I am going to be sharin this one with peeps that are moving in to there first homes, Thank you for sharing it with us
Using Coupons at Dollar Stores?
both Family Dollar, Dollar General and Save-a-lots take coupons, Aldis and Big(ODD) lots doesnt take them
Consequences Of Shopping Impulsively
Thank you so much for this tid bit, I have been saying just about the same things to my D H I love lay-a-ways thank you again Cindy, Elkhart,Indiana
Getting Babies to Sleep
well its been a few years since Ive had babies, but I remember walking the floors with all 4 of my kids yes riding in a car works great, ! I use to run the sweeper, at 9 p.m. and we both sleepuntil 4 am, also putting a car carrier on the dryer while its running...
Removing Black Soot from Woodstove Window
We use oven cleaner, first we spray it on a cool window, wait 5 maybe 10 minutes, wipe all the clean off with newspaper,or paper towels. Then we spray window clean on it, wipe it down and we have a great window to watch our fire through.
Family Dollar Stores
They just started taking the food stamp cards . if they take bank cards they take food stamps cards too
Poinsettias For a November Wedding?
What about silk poinsattias, these would save on cost and last forever. you could also use them for your family and friends to keep as a memory of your wonderful day
Sample Sizes For Travel
What I like to do is reuse the sample bottles that I buy the first time, and refull them, I also so the same thing with my toothpaste, some thing you just have enough time to stock up on samples Cindy, in Indiana
Shadow, Daddy's Little Girl
Great Photo Kelly, We had a kitty that was a Mommies boy, a kitty that was a Daddies Girl(the kitty my DH didnt like, but yet let her sleep him him on his chest,and stayed up with her all night with her,when she left us,and cryed over her grave)
Removing Pee Smell From Fleece Fabric?
I also had the same problem with both of my sons too, I wash the everyting in as hot as water as I can, with bleach and soap, then I hang everything out to air dry, the sun and wind helps pull all the smells out Cindy, from Elkhart, In.
Smelly Cast Iron Pot?
have you tryed baking soda in a hot water bath, or make a baking soda water mixute in the pan, bake it at 350, for 30-45 min. then reseason it with good ole fashion lard.. Cindy
Save Energy and Money When Doing Laundry
hang clothes out on the line to dry, whites come out whiter, sheets smell aweson, I hang out clothes, includung my towels out on the line, from early March to late Nov. then down to the basement to dry. Cindy K. Elkhart,Indiana