Expected Size of a Mixed Breed Dog?
I tried to send u a pic of her mom an dad. They are both big dogs.
Is My Puppy a Pit Bull Mix?
I was told that she has pit an boxer from her dad. An beagle an hound dog in her. I was just curious what she might have the most of.
Is My Puppy a Pit Bull Mix?
Its only one lol. She is a girl might have been how I took the picture. I was told her mom has beagle an hound dog. An the dad had pit an boxer in him. But I dont know when one she favors more.
Is My Puppy a Pit Bull Mix?
Yeah she does. I just dont know which one she favors more beagel, hound dog, pit, or boxer.
Is My Puppy a Pit Bull Mix?
Her mom was beagle mixed with hound dog. An the dad was mixed with pit an boxer. So would she have pit an boxer in her?