How To Make Fresh Mint Oil
Ive been making my own basil and mint oil at home for 3 years now. Have you ever tried using the mint oil on pork. It is delicious. When I cook a pork roast I rub the oil on the roast before I cook it.
Using Smartphone and Tablets To Save Money
You have the right idea. Im always looking for new ways to save money. Have you ever tried to use Mobee? This is an excellent app for saving money shopping. Another one I use is Bev Rage. You can save on buying beverages. They have a lot of good apps out today...
Abbey (Highland Lynx)
You were lucky to adopt her, my best friend purchased two Lynx and one of hers was very aggressive and use to attack her all the time. You are very lucky with yours.
Reusing Old Tires to Make Individual Garden Plots
This is a great idea, but it is also toxic and dangerous for the food that grows on your trees. If you want to use old tires in your garden you can create a barrier by cutting them in half and placing rocks or wood chips around them. Ive seen many people try...
Rocks To Keep Eggs Upright While Boiling
Never heard of this before, but it sure is a smart idea. Thanks for the suggestion.
Remove Nails with the Hammer Claw Facing Up
Did you know if you put a small piece of wood in front of the nail and then use the hammer to remove the nail. it works better. You have more leverage to remove the nail. Try this with your idea and see how much faster you can remove your nails.