Brown Papering a Vinyl Floor Before Faux Painting?
My local quilt shop has used a similar technique on their shop floors. They bought the paper, glue and finish at Lowes. Lowes even taught them the process. They didnt do the faux painting. They just used brown paper crumpled it and dipped in a glue mix then...
Mattress is Sinking in the Middle?
I had the same problem with my pillow top mattress. You could see the dip in the middle from accross the room. When I moved last year my frame broke during the move so I just put the mattress and box springs on the floor. Now there is no sag and the mattress...
Using Leftover Beef Brisket?
I like to cut up or shredd left over brisket and put it in freezer bags or containers then add your favorite bar-b-que sauce. If you portion it for the size of your family, this makes great quick meals or sandwiches. Just put it in a sauce pan or the microwave...
Removing Mold Odor From Quilt Blocks?
Soak the blocks in a vinegar water solution in the tub for a couple of hours. Then drain the tub and turn on the shower to rinse. Do not ring them out. Let them sit in the tub for a little while then lay them on towels outside to finish drying.