Cigarette Smoke Coming In from Outside?
I have been physically ill for the better part of a year, because... according to the apt. complexs manager (also a smoker!), the rights of a smoker supersede the rights of a non-smoker! While I am an educated, bright woman (and Ive done my research! The idea...
Free or Inexpensive Furniture?
Word of mouth is the best place! Tell everyone you know youre looking for free, or cheap, furniture. Also... Freecycle is an awesome place to find (and get rid of!) (Free stuff) Just google Freecycle and the link should come up. Once you click on the link, it...
Exploding Glass Bowls
Thank you, so much, for posting this! With all the warnings for BPA in plastic out there, many people (including myself) have taken to replacing most plastic with glass, where available. I once had an Anchor Hocking (glass) baking dish explode in this manner...
Freezing Sweet Potatoes?
I scrub them under running, cold water... slice them, then put them in, either, a ziploc baggie or a reusable container. As I use them, at least, several times a week, I dont have to worry about them going bad or getting freezer burnt.
Refinishing an Old End Table
Gorgeous! I love frugal projects such as these. Theres not much better than getting something for free, and making it beautiful again with minimal cost and effort;)
Child Support Payments and Social Security?
Not necessarily, Mari. How much you get on SSI is determined individually, mainly by the amount of money coming into the household (all sources). If, however, your son is not living with you, then they would look at his income, as well as anyone else he might...
Bodycology White Gardenia Bath Bombs?
Kmart also carries Bodycology products. I found a lovely scent that reminds me of my grandma (who is no longer with us), and every time I want to feel closer to her I use this lotion. I love it!
Storing an Ironing Board in a Small Apartment?
I would say, under the bed or, as someone else mentioned, between the refrigerator and wall. I suppose, if your sofa is long enough, you could always store it under (or behind) there.
Dandelion Greens?
We grew up on a farm and my grandmother used to use them all the time... raw, steamed, boiled, etc. I was a child the first time I tasted them (raw) and I was not too fond of them (they were bitter). Years later (as an adult), I tried them (also, raw) and they...
Dandelion Greens?
I also forgot to mention, many people also use the flower, itself, for food. The most popular way Ive heard to prepare the flowers are to wash, dry thoroughly and dip in deep-fry batter (you can make your own), then fry. Never tried them, but I hear theyre...
Cooking for Two?
I, too, cook for two. Pillsbury has a wonderful Cooking for Two newsletter, that they will send directly to your emails inbox! The good thing about it, is, the recipes are short, simple and inexpensive. I do, sometimes, substitute generic and lesser-priced...
How Can I Resolve a Repair Dispute With Condo Manager?
If, indeed, you are unable to resolve the problem with the management, I would contact the BBB (Better Business Bureau), and file a complaint with them. After all, the condominium establishment does business in the community, and letting the BBB know of your...
Buying Mistake Paint For Less Than Half Price?
I, too, would recommend Habitat for Humanitys Re-Store. Not only is it paint for a reasonable price, but the proceeds from sales go toward helping a family in need build a home. Another good suggestion I saw mentioned (that I was thinking), is your local recycling...
Freezing Havarti Cheese?
I freeze Havarti regularly (in its own pkg.) and have, not once, had a problem. Its still as delicious as when I 1st put it in there=)
Using WD-40 to Clean Stainless Steel Cookware?
When nothing else worked (vinegar, baking soda, fabric softener sheets... all the usual tips you see), I most certainly did use WD-40! When I purchased my pots and pans, several years ago, I paid almost $500 for them, so, I was not about to send them packing...
Problems With Other Tenants?
Renting is not fun. Especially when you live around people with issues such as these. I know. Ive been there (am there, now;0). I saw, someone mention documenting things. Thats the first rule of thumb. That way, your word actually holds water once you present...
Causes of Eczema in Children?
No... a pets fur is not the cause of atopic dermatitis (eczema). A pets dander, however, can severely exacerbate it If, indeed, you own a pet (usually cats and dogs). Eczema is a skin disorder that is usually hereditary, will be tolerable one day and flare...
Reviews of Bounce Dryer Bar?
If you go to the website for the Dryer Bar, you will find many, different reviews on there. Very honest and detailed. I havent used the Bar yet, but I got mine for free, through Vocalpoint. I tend to think, after everything Ive read (both good and bad), that...
What Do You Think of Facebook?
Betty, I absolutely love Facebook! So much better than MySpace and any of the other social sites out there! My main reason for joining was to connect with friends (and family) I hadnt seen in years. Within days of joining, I started finding people! It was awesome...
Contacting People for High School Reunion?
I have to agree with the poster who said Facebook! It is MUCH better than, either, Classmates OR MySpace. I started on Classmates, and did find a few friends there, but the sites so boring no one stayed. Then, I tried MySpace, but only located one person on...
Buy Groceries At Dollar Stores
I love Dollar Stores, too, but you really have to be careful what you buy there, because... I have found, many times, that other stores (including grocery stores) have much better deals on items (including food) than the Dollar Stores. It really just depends...
Feeding a Child With Allergies?
My son was allergic to peanuts (still is), dairy (grown out of it) and wheat. He also suffers from asthma, eczema (is exacerbated by food allergies), pollen and ragweed allergies. I found it very difficult, at first, to figure out what he could and couldnt...
Breaking a Lease?
The very thing you describe happened to me, just over a year ago. Like you, I had a wonderful landlord. Unfortunately, though, I had to make a choice; stay there and end up evicted anyway, for not being able to afford my rent OR move to a new apt. complex where...
Consequences For Lying and Back Talking?
You mentioned that they have lived in a dysfunctional environment? For starters, they have to live in an environment which is not that way, but is safe, with loving and firm adults around and people and situations they can trust. Until you gain their trust...
Breadmaker Tips
I have a question, Monique. So, this would be for a 1-or-2 lb. loaf of bread? Also, is this for a basic white bread? Im trying to go healthy, so would you be able to substitute an equal amount of, say, whole wheat flour or another flour (rice, oatmeal, etc...
Recommendations for Inexpensive Digital Camera?
Kodak EasyShare is the least expensive of the reputable manufacturers, that Ive seen, with the price hovering between $70-$100 and up.
My Debit Card Was Stolen and Used Online?
I know exactly how you feel! One day last week, I called and spoke to a rep. at the bank. I noticed some charges that just didnt seem right. The rep. told me that, there were several charges on my acct. that seemed fishy. She gave me the 800 number off of one...
Reusing Plastic Water Bottles
Before purchasing anything with plastic (bottles, containers, etc.), or reusing any plastic products, you need to check out this website, that talks about bpa... what it is, how it is harmful and ways to dispose of plastic products containing this chemical...
Inexpensive Magazine Subscriptions?
I was thinking the exact, same thing as the first poster (mercurymags and valuemags), as... all of the magazines they offer are totally FREE... and, thats the cheapest Ive come across;) There are other freebie sites that will have links to offers for free subscriptions...
Can't Remember the Name of the Song?
I would have to agree with Laurel. Its No Scrub, and its MOST DEFINITELY by TLC;) I loved them!
Cigarette Smoke Coming Up Through My Vents?
It is not merely an aroma. Cigarette stank is DEADLY! Your suggestions of trying air freshener is beyond ludicrous!!! Nothing will remove nicotine from any part of a home, inside or outside. Once its in your home (curtains, walls, furniture, belongings, etc...