I am a stay-at-home with a 2 1/2 year old daughter. I am also a full-time college student and taking all of my classes online so I can still be at home. I am always looking for cheap ways to do stuff from decorating to cooking to cleaning. I also love a quick and easy way to clean effectively. My daughter got staff infection when she was just 11 months old and I am constantly cleaning everything from cabinets to floors and even my walls. We have a dog that stays inside and between him and my daughter there is always a mess to be cleaned! Time is precious and I don't want to spend all my time trying to stay on top of housework and school work. I appreciate any advice and am willing to try anything! With the economy the way it is right now, I am always trying to figure out a cheap way to feed my family that is also healthy since my husband is into eating healthy. I am only 25, but have learned a lot from Mom and am still learning.