Softening Hard Sugar?
Brown sugar can be softened by reintroducing moisture in several ways: The 1st 2 solutions I list are my fastest solutions. The last solution... #6 I use to SLOW the hardening process in the first place. 1-Heat brown sugar in a 250 degree oven in an oven safe...
Removing Sticky Label Residue from a Mirror?
You can try the antibacterial hand gel that evaporates. If that doesnt work a product called Goof Off will. You can find it at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc.
Removing Tea Stains From Pitchers
Really good to know. Thank you for taking the time to post this information. Big time thank you!
Scenery: Cloudy Sky
Wow... I definitely would have thought something was fixing to happen or had happened. Especially since there were no outdoor sounds. Scary.
Food Packaging Boxes as Gift Wrapping
Ive wrapped gifts with the Sunday comics paper but have never even thought of wrapping with cereal and other food and drink boxes! That is a fantastic idea! Thanks!
Advice for Choosing Appliance Colors?
Black wall oven for contrast and balance, just as the Island counter top in the picture is a contrast to the island, etc. Helps bring out the cupboard knobs and helps create a visual flow. The microwave? Depends on where it will be placed but, everybody is...
Kitten is Leaking Urine?
I agree with going to a different vet. The muscles being traumatized or weakened temporarily is possible but I would still have another vet look at him. In the mean time, instead of closing him off in a room or in a cage, isolating him ! Please consider a kitty...
Measuring Soft Butter?
According to the Betty Crocker conversion chart at, one stick of butter = 1/2 a cup. Here is the link if you want to pull the chart of conversion tables up for common ingredients.
2 to 4 Serving Cake Recipes?
Here is a cooking for 2 link by Pillsbury with dessert recipes for 2, but I really like the mug idea that was listed above! I am fixing to check that out now! Anyway, here is the link I was telling you about.
Recipes That Use Ramen Noodles?
College Survival Guide Part I: 50 Amazing Ramen Noodle Recipes. Heres the link. Have fun!
Rehydrating Beans in Hard Water?
According to For hard water, add one fourth teaspoon baking soda per pound of beans during soaking. It says to never add soda above 1/4 teaspoon per pound because more than that will adversely affect the...
Lamp Post Style Floor Lamp?
Ok here are 4 website links that I think will help you find what you are looking for. (Stumps party)may actually have what you are looking for. They have indoor floor lamps for those who are trying to make the indoors have an outdoor feel. So I hope you dont...
Faux Stained Glass (Directions)
Absolutely love it. Great detailed instructions with very helpful tips. Thank you for posting this!
Handmade Stained Glass Cards
I really like this idea. If you have a way of posting a photo for a picture of the finished product, I would love to see it!