Gino's Steakhouse Green Peppers in Olive Oil?
When I googled this in I found this recipe. Hope it helps you. Italian Peppers 2 lbs. green peppers, cut into 1/2 inch wide strips 12 cloves garlic, minced 2 Tbsp. fresh mint leaves 6 Tbsp. oil 2 tsp. cider vinegar Salt to taste Heat half of oil in large cast...
Ideas for 4H Sewing Project?
I dont know what previous sewing experience you have or whether this project is from a pattern or freestyle. But here is what I would suggest. How about a remote control pocket to hang on arm of a chair or on the side of a mattress. A coat for your dog, if...
Homemade Sausage
I grew up eating homemade sausage and am eager to make this. Can you tell me how you can it? I would appreciate it if you would share the instructions for that. Thank you so much.
Spenard Glazed Rhubarb Turnabout
This sounds delicious. I cant wait to make it. Thanks for the recipe.
Hearty Mushroom Soup
Since this is called Mushroom soup one would expect it to contain mushrooms. Ive looked the recipe over carefully and saw no sign of a mushroom present. Did you perhaps mix up the recipe?
Caution when Reusing Food Containers
Why dont you put a label on the container saying what you put in there? That could help everyone else in the family with identifying the contents.
Garlic Recipes?
Have you thought of freezing it? Peel and put each clove through a garlic press. I used baby food jars for this. After filling each jar I would add a little olive oil then put on the lid. Put in the freezer until you are ready to use. If you use a lot of garlic...
White Lasagna
What exactly is the Italian blend? Does it refer to cheese, herbs, or what? You mention putting on Parmesan which is not included in ingredients but you never mention putting on the shredded mozzarella. I would put it on in the end where you mention Parmesan...
Keeping Six Month Old Kitten Off Counters?
While the water idea works, you do have to be there to see her before you can use it. I have had very good luck using duct tape. I turn over about 3 inches on each end to hold tape down and stick it with sticky side up on the counter. I put mine only about...
Remembering Crochet Hook Size on Projects
What a creative idea! I love it and Im going to start saving those things now. Thank you so much.
Easy Pecan Bark Candy
This sounds interesting but why is it called Pecan Bark when there are no pecans called for?
Baked Pork Chops
We used to make these all the time and they were a huge favorites. I am alone now and havent thought of them for a long time. Now I cant wait to make them again. Thank you so much for the recipe and the lovely memories.
Use Medical Exam Gloves For Messy Tasks
I would not use medical gloves for food preparation. Many times they have powder inside. They do make plastic gloves especially for food. They are not expensive and are made to be food safe. In fact, I have found them to be cheaper than medical gloves. They...
Free Vintage Red Work Designs?
While not exactly vintage, I used old coloring books and copied the pictures I wanted. They came out very charming. When copying you can re-size to the size you need. The designs are simple and you can find many themes among the coloring books.
Making Ice Cream with Jello Powder?
I dont know about making ice cream with it but I would sure go ahead and try it. A good and simple salad to make with jello instead.: 1 box Jello 15 oz cottage cheese 16 oz container cool whip (or make your own whipped cream) Mix them all together until well...
European Equivalent of and Stick of Butter?
One stick of butter measures out to 1/2 cup or 4 ounces. Usually flour is referred to as just flour or all purpose flour and it is regular white flour. If a special flour is needed it should be designated as such in the ingredients. (Like cake flour, self rising...
Buttermilk Challah Bread
This sounds so good. I cant wait to try it. I love Challah bread. It is the best for both bread pudding and French toast too. Thanks for sharing.
Free Vet Clinic Near Albany or Saratoga New York?
Call your local humane society or animal shelter. They can often re comment a vet who will help at little or no cost. Some even have vets on their staff to help treat the animals. I have even tried calling vets listed in the phone book. Some will help with...
Remedy for Dog with Allergy Related Ear Infections?
If you Google homemade pet food recipes you can find some that you can make yourself. That way you are sure of what your pet is getting. And, your animals like it too.
Readers Digest Magazine Christmas Trees?
We made choir singers. Folded the top corner down to binding. Then folded the outside straight edge into the binding. This made for straight sides rather than fat Santa shapes. Folded every page the same. Then glued a paper doily over the top for a collar and...
Putting a Photo on a Plate?
I have seen these done by printing the picture on light card stock. Use a clear glass plate. Cut the picture to fit in the center of the plate where it will lay flat. You will be working on the bottom of the plate. Put a thin layer of decoupage medium in area...
Snack Bucket from Coffee Container
I love this idea. I belong to groups that are always looking for good raffle/prize items. This one is perfect for any age or sex. Thank you.
Corn Dogs
If you pour the batter into a large deep dish and insert skewers in dogs first, then you can hold the skewer and dip dogs into batter. Just make sure the batter vessel is deep enough to handle the hot dogs without overflowing. Then fry them in a large saucepan...
Determining the Value of a Older Sewing Machine?
Rasta is right. Older machines are just not worth much money wise. In my area you would be lucky to sell it for $25.00. I have found them at garage sales for as little as $5.00.
Making Old Fashion Strudel?
Go to and I bet you will be able to find a recipe there for this.
Canning How Tos?
Get either a Ball or Kerr Canning book. It will give you complete directions on canning as to how, what to use, etc. Especially during canning season which is just about here these books are readily available. You can generally get them where canning supplies...
Shelf Life of Previously Frozen Milk?
I used to work in a convenience store and when the date had been reached they threw the milk away unless someone wanted to take it home. I always would take home about 3 to 4 gallons and would freeze it in 1 quart containers. We didnt really like it for drinking...
Indian War Bonnet Quilt Pattern?
You might try looking online. I havent got it personally but believe I have seen it on a site. Good luck.
Memorial Day Craft Projects?
Check yesterdays post for Primitive Applique Flag Pillows. It sounds like the perfect project for those experience and those with no experience.
Medical Gloves for Eating BBQ Ribs
I think a cheaper way is to put out finger bowls of water and/or wet washcloths at each diners place. Then they can stay clean if they want. Half the fun of a BBQ is getting messy. No thanks, I will not ever use this idea.
Recycled Glass Birdbath
Very clever. If using outside I would not use the tin tray. I would actually sink the bottom vase partway into the ground for stability. I would eliminate the silk flowers because they would fade too badly in the sunlight. And I would use a large vase instead...
Sewing Problem With Loose Thread Under the Fabric?
Check your tension to make sure it is even. Also check the needle plate and hook underneath to see if either has been damages by being hit by the needle. If they have, they need to be filed smooth and polished with fine sandpaper. That can cause the problem...
How Do I Freeze Bread Dough?
I freeze bread dough before the final rising. Make sure it is wrapped securely in plastic wrap then in foil. Write the date on it. When taking out of the freezer let it thaw, then place it in pan and let it rise in a warm place. Then bake as directed. Yes you...
Can I Rebatch Soap Chips in a Microwave?
I have done this before with small pieces too small to use. I just put them in a bowl with water. It will soften them and then you can form into shape you want and let them dry. Do not use too much water, just enough to cover.
Can I Rebatch Soap Chips in a Microwave?
Forgot to add that doing the way I described, you dont need to microwave.
Primitive Applique Flag Pillows
This is a beautiful idea. I love it! And I have a large stash to go through. This would make a great gift idea too.
Homemade Body Lotion
This sounds like it would be wonderful for babies. There is nothing that would harm them in any of the ingredients. I will try this one and I would use it on my grand baby.
English Muffins
These sound delicious and I cant wait to try them. I have been wanting a good recipe for these. Thank you.
Craft: Angel Doll Air Freshener
Why dont you post the pattern on here too? Can you share it with us individually if you cant? It is really cute and I would love to make it.
How Do I Make Kitchen Curtains from Coffee Bean Sacks?
I would remove the backs. It would make them easier to work with and remove bulk. If you really need more privacy then put on a thinner lining. As for the beads, if you make tabs at the top of curtains for hanging it would be cute to put the beads on every...
Craft: Plarn "Bingo" Tote or Storage Bag
Will you share the directions for making this? I would really appreciate it.
Trouble Sewing Vinyl?
Check the needle first. Also, putting in a larger size might help. You would be amazed to know that how often a bent, dull or rough needles are at fault. Good luck.
Can You Drink the Water Used to Boil Eggs?
Boiling water does not make it unsafe. You use boiling water for so many things you cook. But, it might not taste good. But I dont think it would harm you. I do use salt before boiling eggs myself.
What is Beet Kvass?
It is just a drink made with beets. I personally dont like it but many people do. My parents used to make it. I am from Germans from Russia ancestry. They used to make many things to get by cheaply since there was not a lot of money. They used everything and...
Buying a Wonder Box Cooker?
I did Google this and came up with several wonderful instructions for making not only the Wonder Box but also for other types of solar cookers. This would be wonderful for camping (maybe for Boy Scouts too) or just for times there is an electrical outage as...
Free Patterns for Hand Embroidery?
Go to They offer quite a few vintage embroidery patterns as well as a lot of other vintage patterns. Also have recipes, hints, and a lot of other things. I have downloaded embroidery patterns for making dish towels and baby items too. Good luck
Reuse Disposable Vacuum Bags
This is actually a very bad idea. I used to repair vacuums on my job. As they fill with dirt they lose air flow and even after you empty them there is very fine dirt and dust that will clog up the bag. So you lose suction in you vacuum as a result. And of course...
Disposing of Bacon and Cooking Grease
I use bacon drippings for flavoring so I put them in a jar in the refrigerator. For most other drippings i mix them with bird seed, shape in my hands into cakes or balls. The cakes I place on a stand outside and the balls I hang in trees for the birds. They...
Valentine Treat Boxes
I really like these. They could be used for so many different occasions. Thanks for sharing.
Learn Cake Decorating Online
You are never too old to learn. I will be 65 in July and am learning now to play the piano. I know it doesnt come as easily as when you are younger, but hang in there. I did learn cake decorating years ago from a Wilton instructor. At that time we used the...
Reusing Every Bit Of Jar Candles
I also hate wasting the wax left in the jar. But, I am very Leary of fires so I purchased one of the candle heaters. Now after the wax gets down I set the jar on that and it gives off the scent but controls the heat. Much safer.
Use Christmas Lights Year Round
What a fantastic idea! I am going to have a set run around my porch. I dont like the bright light shining into my bedroom at night but still need a light out there. Thank you so much for the brilliant idea.
Getting Rid Of Mold In Birdbath?
My mother in law had this same problem. After she washed (hard) it really clean, she left it to dry. Then she purchased a safe paint in blue and painted only the bowl area up to where the water would go. This was several years ago and it still has not needed...
Soaking Up Bacon Grease?
In a restaurant I worked in they used empty egg cartons to soak up bacon grease. Of course, they had the larger flat egg trays. It works very well. If you dont like the idea of placing them right on the carton you can top them with just one paper towel.
Recycled Wind Clackers
What a cute idea. I never thought of using laundry items. I love it and Im going to make one. Thanks for sharing.
Creative Crafting with Cookie Cutters
Thank you for these great ideas. These would be great to use with kids (with adult supervision only in some cases). I have been involved in Scouts and VBS and love these ideas.
Put Dirty Cat Litter in an Old Coffee Can
This would work even better if you put the plastic bag from the grocer in the can before putting in the used litter. Then when it is full just pull out the bag and discard. No messing around with pouring it into the bag.
"Christmas of Lights" Float Ideas?
How about a tree made up of only lights surrounded by children holding lights. These could be small flashlights with colored plastic over the light to give a softer glow and not a glaring light.
Has Anyone Used StickySheets?
I do use sticky roller sheets sparingly. I always keep one in the car and have a small one (comes with plastic cover, in my purse especially if riding in someone elses car. At home I use a rubber brush that I found at Walmart in the pet section. The entire...
Cake Decorating Icing
I used to have a recipe very similar to this. I lost it years ago while moving to another state. Thank you. I loved using it and it was very white, especially when you use clear vanilla, not like the slightly off white you usually get.
Swedish Cinnamon Cookies
These sound wonderful and I cant wait to make them. Next time could you be sure to post how many a recipe makes. It sure helps to know if you need to make more or less of a recipe.
Make Your Own "Elmers" Glue
Sometimes you have to remember that life is more than just running out to the store for everything. And spending time with your children to make things is time well spent. While I know it may be less money to go to Walmart to purchase this, I like to spend...
Jelly Jar Deodorizers
These can be made with essential oils. Here is a recipe to make them. How to Make Gels for Room Deodorizers Fill medium saucepan with 1 cup water. Add 15 - 20 drops of essential oil & a few drops food color, if you want gel to be colored. Some good essential...
Urgent Wedding Cake Decorating Ideas Needed!
I would go with your very cute and unique drawing. I would draw it with black and use silver around it. Make your frosting a very light gray and then sprinkle your work with edible silver glitter. It is available in a lot of places where you buy decorating...