What is This Bug?
Tipe fungul bug strong residence live clothb feed of blood hard to get rid love people low lmmune systom smart change aperence love live on hair check blood lot thing hard to diagnosis went you something cant killed let me kmow
Insects in Hair?
no your not crazy this epidimic that going oround this come over see start live cloth egg thread my hair long cut my hair bad went short but growing is bad my Doc think crazy have brusibng body God help us we fine solution buy nature tee tree wash cortar shampoo...
Identify Bugs Yourself
having same problem little black little bug grain rice found report come over sea infect all cloth camiiflesh to wall color of cloth hard get ridoff have little bottle of Listering mix water spray you be able see it
Small Black Bugs Found in Lint and Pet Hair?
start having problem my husband think im crazy but im not had mold at my house my problem start but you not alone sometipe fungus