Cleaning Oil Smell from Glass Bottle?
Fill the bottle with very hot, even boiling water. Shake it a bit and then top it off with the hot water. The oil will float to the top. Use a paper towel or napkin to absorb the oil that has come to the top. You can also use a little dish soap, but put it...
Dog Defecated on Owner's Bed?
Have you or anyone else he deems to be in his pack been away lately? Did he try to cover it? He may be trying to tell someone where home is. My neighbors cat did that when her daughter went away to college.
Use Found Objects for Dollhouse Furniture
Thanks Nancy. That just gave me the idea to use an old watch as a dollhouse clock. Jean
Make Litter Box Tending Easier
Hi Kathy, Thanks for your feedback. You cat may be able to jump into the top box after all. When you stack the boxes with 2 inches of litter each the height is about the same as the bottom pan of a covered litter pan. Since the pans are all the same size with...
Removing Cat Spray from Vinyl Siding?
Cat spray can be washed from vinyl siding with just soap and water. When cat spray is on fabric or wood you need to use a bio-remediation product like rid-ex or similar product containing bacteria that eats the organic matter contained in the cat spray, turning...
Free Heat from Dryer Vent
Hi RoseAnne and Louise, I have not had any mold problems from doing this. I only do it in the winter. My house is so dry in the winter that I have to use humidifiers anyway. I live in Massachusetts. If your dryer is in a laundry room just leave the door to...
Free Heat from Dryer Vent
Hi t4louise51, I empty the lint filter before each load. I havent had any problems yet. With the vent pipe removed I dont have to check for buildup in it that might cause a fire. Thats a plus. I think if you wanted to make sure excess lint did not escape into...
Wood Stove Pellets as Cat Litter
Thanks Melissa. When the bag of pellets is still in my car I slide a corner of the bag over the edge of the seat, put a 5 gallon pail on the ground underneath, slice the corner of the bag with a knife and let the pellets fill up the pail. One bag of pellets...
Burnt Teakettle Left Mark on Glass Top Stove?
Spray the stain with the Easy Off oven cleaner, or similar brand. Cover it with a glass pot lid or any pot lid that can withstand the heat. Turn on the burner until it gets red hot, then turn it off after four or five seconds. Let it sit until the burner cools...
Removing Cat Pee Odor on Couch?
Natures Miricle works by letting the bacterial spores turn into the bacteria that eat the urine. You need to allow time for the bacteria to replicate. They will keep on replicating as long as they have a food supply, ie, the urine. They turn the urine into...
Bleach Spots on Striped Polo Shirt?
I think you are out of luck. Bleach breaks down the color molecules and once the color is gone you cant get it back. You could dye the fabric with a color or you could bleach out the rest of the color. Best of luck.
Easy Way to Identify Different Size Bed Sheets?
Once your sheet is folded you can mark it with colored chalk.
Non Stop Elevator
This might allow people with social phobias or claustrophobia to ride elevators. Also, in certain situations, it may provide safety. So using this technique can be a handicap accommodation and a safety measure. I hope emergency personnel like EMTs know about...
Removing Urine Odor from a Couch?
The way to get rid of the smell for good is with bio-remediation, that is, letting the correct bacteria eat the organic matter, ie, the urine. Make sure that whatever product you use has live bacterial spores. I use a product from Winsol Labs called Trio Plus...
Making a Water Bottle Holder?
I like the sock idea. I use a sock over a dish washing liquid container, filled with water and frozen, as an ice pack to take to bed on a muggy hot night. For your water bottle you could use a discarded baby bottle cozy. They are also called koozies. You could...
Creative Use for Large Plastic Container?
Would make a nice wastebasket for the bathroom. Fill with Christmas balls or pine cones or balls of yarn.
Storing Plastic Bags?
You can fold several of the plastic bags into small squares and store them in you pocketbook. Then if you forget to bring your own bags into the store you can use these. once folded they take almost no space. you could keep them in a little change purse. http...
Cleaning a Ceran Cook Top?
Spray the stain with the Easy Off. Cover it with a pot lid. Turn on the burner until it just gets red hot, then turn it off. Let it sit for about a half hour. Then uncover and wipe off with a scrubber or you can use the razor blade. It should come right off...
Crafts Using Fake Fur?
Cut the fabric the size of a place mat. Put the mat on the couch, floor, bed, or anywhere. As soon as you cats see one of them they will claim it as there own. You could also line it and put organic catnip inside, or just rub it with catnip. If you line it...
Making a Candy Corsage?
In the 1950s we made corsages for friends to wear all day at school. Any kind of candy that you can hang on a ribbon from a bow will work. Candy with holes like life savers are easy to use. As for candy for a 7 year old, no candy is good because of the sugar...
Removing the Smell of Cat Spray from a Computer Bag?
The only way to get rid of the smell for good is with bio-remediation, that is letting the correct bacteria eat the organic matter sprayed by the cat. Make sure that whatever product you use has live bacterial spores. I use a product from Winsol Labs but you...
Removing Stains Under the Toilet Rim?
Empty the toilet of water or get it very low. Take some light weight cotton cloth or washcloth, and dip it in vinegar and ring it out. Stick it under the rim covering the stain. You will need about six cloths. You can cut washcloths in half. The cloths should...
Getting Rid of Fleas?
Fill pie tins with water and a squirt of dish soap. Instead of pie tins you can use any shallow bowl. Instead of dish soap you can use any soap. Put night lights or small lamps next to each bowl. Use very low wattage bulbs, like those in night lights, or Christmas...
Crafts Made with Glass Coke Bottles?
I use a small green coke bottle for olive oil which I keep on my counter top. I buy a big bottle of organic olive oil and freeze it. I fill the coke bottle when it gets low. That way you can keep your oil from going rancid. I use a pouring wine stopper on the...
Hide Spare House Key Under Vinyl Siding
Put the key in a baby food jar and bury it, but not too deeply. You can also use an empty plastic pill bottle or glass vitamin bottle.
Dog Urine Stains and Smell Off Furniture?
If the urine has turned the wood black you may not be able to get the black out. You could try sanding it down to see how far the wood has turned black. The process of fuming with ammonia was used in mission style furniture to darken the wood. The ammonia reacts...
Use a Hanging Towel in the Kitchen
Put a grommet in the corner of any towel, even large bath towels. Install a decorative hook, or antique nail somewhere in the kitchen to hang the towel.