Flooring, Countertop, and Paint Colors to Down Play Pinkish Cabinets?
First of all, youre blessed to have so much cabinet space (I only have 3 cabinets & 6 drawers). Personally Id keep the floors just as they are. I think with black countertops & a big black throw rug, it would look amazing.
Warning: Glass Will Explode if Left on Burner
I learned from experience ! About 15 years ago I tried to use a glass coffee pot (made for a coffee maker) to boil water on the stove-top (didnt have a coffee maker back then, just an old pot for one). When it boiled, I went to lift the pot off the burner, & the...
Orajel For Mosquito Bites
Actually, one of the main ingredients in Orajel is clove oil, which is a natural disinfectant.
Unusual Flower
We had Lantanas in our front yard. Theyre pretty, but I ended up pulling them all out, cause they attracted Wasps in droves.