Treating a Kitten with a Cold?
Since your cat is so young, depending on how bad it is, you would want to just take it in. The vet will probably give you antibiotics for it, that will get rid of the cold . Hope it feels better!
Remedy for Burnt Brittle Hair?
Im so sorry!! Just so you know the keratin and coconut oil treatments will really help, so keep it up with those. Theres also a lot of deep moisturizing hair mask recipes that you can find on Pinterest too. One thing that will help the most though, is limiting...
Saving a Dying Houseplant?
Dont worry, it has happened to me before too. Luckily a lot of times its easy to fix! Ive found that sometimes its because it is either getting too much water or not enough. Make sure that the plant is getting enough sunlight also, maybe moving it to a bigger...
Hair Turned Orange After Dyeing?
Oh no, no worries! Just go and get it professionally done, as it would probably be pretty tricky to do at home. A salon would easily be able to fix it. : )
House Trained Dog Started Peeing Inside?
I know the feeling, our dog did the same thing. But luckily its easily fixed! Most likely its due to the fact that you recently moved, since that will definitely do it. When we moved our dog started going in the house every once in awhile, so we started taking...
Re-dying Hair?
I would definitely get it done professionally, as it will save you a lot of hassle. The good thing is that your not stuck with it and can get the color you want. : )
Finding Free Yarn?
Craigslist is definitely the way to go for that! is awesome too, since you can get great deals. Plus, if you bid on some yarn on you can get some for pretty cheap sometimes.
Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies
Yum! I dont usually like peanut butter cookies, but when i tried this i loved it! Best peanut butter cookies i have ever tasted by far!
Preaux (Mixed Breed)
That is so adorable, so glad you found him! Maybe the breed is a German Shepherd.
Cookie Dough Topped Brownies
That looks so delicious, I am definitely going to be making this very soon. : ) I LOVE cookie dough, so awesome recipe!!
Garden Saute'
wow, that looks delicious!! that must be nice to have all those fresh vegetables from your garden whenever you need them!
Life as a Homesteader
What wonderful thing your doing for your family. Homesteading is definitely not easy, but sure is a wonderful and rewarding experience. :)
Holi Moli Stromboli
Holi crap, this looks so good! I LOVE sandwiches like this. 5 thumbs up to you!: )
Heavenly Hot Chocolate Mix
Im sorry for the confusion as to how much of the mix you use. After I posted it I realized I had forgotten to put how much of it you use! So, here it is: For 1 serving place 1/3 cup of the mix in a mug, then add 3/4 cup of boiling water ( or if your like me...
Lemon Cream Cake
I LOVE lemon cake. Especially cream cheese frosting, not to mention cream cheese with lemon in it! Thanks for the recipe, will definitely be trying this!
Save Eating Out for Special Occasions
That is like the first thing you should start doing to save money. So good advice!
Easy Newborn Crocheted Booties
These are so cute, and would make a awesome baby shower gift! You should really consider selling the stuff you make!
Use Fleece as Bedding for Guinea Pigs
Kimmy123, in answer to your question, you do not cut up the fleece. And the reason is because guinea pigs will chew on anything, so they will just chew it up. So you lay a big whole piece of fleece in the cage, letting edges of fabric to lay over the side of...
Raccoon Tails Cookies
I love cooking, and Im always looking for new recipes to try, and this is one them. Good idea, thanks!
Rubbing Alcohol as Eyeglass Cleaner
Great idea! Im definitely going to try this before I go and spend 12 bucks on a little box of glasses wipes'
2 Ingredient Pancakes
These look delicious! Im always trying to find healthy pancake recipes, and now I have. Thanks!