What Breed Is My Dog? (Pit Bull Mix)
The black and white especially on the legs remind me of a Boston Terrier. Whatever she is, shes really cute. Good luck!
Do You Need a Credit Card to Establish Credit?
If you have a mortgage or a car loan or home equity loan, those get reported to the credit bureaus also. Those are all loans that have to be paid on time, so they help establish credit.
Cheap or Homemade Anti-aging Products?
Vitamin E, almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil are all excellent. Yuck to the petroleum jelly. Its too greasy and will clog your pores. Look around online too. Oh, and lots and lots of pure water!!
Getting Rid of Sour Smell in Bed Sheets?
Not sure why youre getting a sour smell unless you leave them in the washing machine for a couple days or something. But I have an infant that has spit up many times and we know what that smells like. Soaking your sheets or anything foul smelling in borax for...
Getting Rid of Sour Smell in Bed Sheets?
Not sure why youre getting a sour smell unless you leave them in the washing machine for a couple days or something. But I have an infant that has spit up many times and we know what that smells like. Soaking your sheets or anything foul smelling in borax for...
Baby Shower Ideas for a Daughter In-Law?
I went to a shower once where they played what I considered to be a funny game. This of course will depend on if your daughter in law has a sense of humor-- but baby showers should be fun-- after all there is nothing predictable about babies. You would buy...
What Do I Do to Eliminate Scars?
I would also suggest Vitamin E for scars. Its wonderful in general for your skin. I would take the capsule 400IU internally once a day and they have Vitamin E liquid in 12000 or 30000IU much more potent than the capsules and rub that on your scars once or twice...
Gardening Allergy Advice?
Are you drinking enough water?? There is a wonderful book out there called Youre Not Sick, Youre Thirsty! Basically at a minimum, you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day. For example if you weigh 150 at minimum drink 75 ounces...
How can I get crisco oil stain and odor form my sheets?
Coke-- the soda-- is supposed to be great for getting out grease stains. Let it soak in for a while. For odors-- soaking in borax for a couple hours should do the trick.
How can I get crisco oil stain and odor form my sheets?
Coke-- the soda-- is supposed to be great for getting out grease stains. Let it soak in for a while. For odors-- soaking in borax for a couple hours should do the trick.