Understanding Alzheimer Disease
I suffered a permanent brain injury in 2003 and was on the brain injury floor of a local hospital for quite some time. Fortunatly I can function better than the average bear and am aware of my situation. I am on disability because of it as my former employer...
Furniture Polish To Prevent Freezing Car Doors
What a great idea! I live in Maine and love this since furniture polish is something I always have on hand! No need to buy another product that will only be used for one season of the year.
Shop Second Hand For Fabric
I do the same as far as buying clothing I can use to make quilt squares from. It is so much less expensive than the price at Jo-Ann Fabrics or other retail stores who buy the fabric from other countries. This way I can donate the quilts to local homeless shelters...
Store Reading Glasses With Medications
I have a combination pill bottle opener/magnifying glass that I keep in my box for presription pills. I got it at Target and I love it as it serves double duty.
Removing Odors from T-shirts?
My husband is a roofer so Ill say no more. ;) I wash his clothes separately and add baking soda in the wash.
Travel with Medications in Original Containers
Just have the name and phone number of your pharmacy on the container. They will verify the meds that way. Its no big deal.
Save Plastic Lids for Toddler Toys
What a wonderful idea! Now that we have grandchildren on the way I will be saving in more ways than one.