Can You Paint Latex Paint over Enamel?
Give the surface a light sand, make sure to wear mask so not to inhale the dust. Clean the surface from dust and dirt, coat it with a good quality primer, then paint away.
Removing Sharpie from a Painted Brick?
Try spray 409 let it settle in a bit and start scrubbing lighly so not scuff the paint and cause dicoloration.
How Do You Wallpaper?
You just need to line up seams and ppatern. Have you considered a sutle textured finish to the walls as an alternative to wallpaper. A good product is Vertistone that you do in two steps, roll out a base coat like paint then you do a 2nd coat with a faux roller...
Nail Polish Remover Spilled On Phone?
Just clean it. Nail polish remover is waterdown Acetone which breaksdown and emulsifies plastic.
Installing Vinyl Tiles Over Vinyl?
Here is a cool idea. Spreadstone See my photo of me pulling up tape pattern on my bathroom floor. Total makeover over existing linoleum using this spreadable stone, first scuff existing floor, clean it, tape off baseboards, prime floor...
Installing Vinyl Tiles Over Vinyl?
Here is the before, ugly and worn, outdated linoleum that I covered up. It was easy to-do
Covering Wallpapered Walls with Texture and Paint?
Ive used Vertistone a textured wall product made by on a recomendation from the store manager at Aboffs Paints on LI. It was easy to use, the store manager lent me the how to dvd, by the way its on the companys website, see to make the...
Smoothing a Rough Cement Patio?
The best way is to use a angle grinder with a diamond cup. this will work the best. Beware it will create dust, wear a mask