Puppy with Parvo?
You should call your vet immediately. Get him back in to be seen by the vet. Parvo is a bad virus and you could lose your sweet pup. He likely needs IV fluids and to be hospitalized until he is stable. Parco causes severe vomiting and bloody diarrhea. The intestinal...
Aggressive Male Gouldian Finch?
You absolutely need to separate them as soon as possible. A male can become so aggressive he may kill the female. He wants to keep her mating with him. Not sitting on the eggs or raising the babies. Please remove him to another cage as soon as possible. Males...
Dog Not Eating After Puppies Died?
You should really take her to a vet. It could be that she is grieving. It could also be that she has an infection in her uterus, called a pyometra or an unborn puppy. In any of these scenarios she should be seen by a vet. It is good that she is drinking, but...