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Salmon Croquettes
Should be dipped in crushed saltine cracker crumbs.


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Lime Fluff
Add along with evaporated milk and lemon juice. Also, the cookies need to be crushed into crumbs.


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Lime Fluff
A small, glass jar. At least thats what we get around here in the area where I live. :)


Pit Bull Puppy

Training an Abused Dog?
I would highly recommend Cesar Milans books. SO glad you adopted her! My daughter and her husband adopted one from our local shelter 6 years ago and she is the greatest, smartest dog ever! She would die for her family, shes so attached to them! They have since...


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French Supper Loaf
The meat is cooked and I use the reg. size evaporated milk. (Dont know the oz. off the top of my head, but in our stores, it is not a tiny can, but not a big one either. Just the regular size. Hope this answers both of your questions. :)


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Honey Graham Oatmeal Cookies
No honey, just part of the name. Also, please make sure and use honey graham crackers in this recipe even though it does not state that directly. Hope this helps! :)


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Hearty Mushroom Soup
Sorry! The recipe does need to have 2 cans of mushrooms, drained, added to it. I just missed typing in the particular ingredient when I sent the recipe in. I agree that it does have a funny sounding name considering it has many more ingredients than just mushrooms...


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Barbecued Beef Patties
Sorry! That was a typo on my part. It should have 1/2 cup. Hope you enjoy! (b)Editors Note:(/b) We have corrected the ingredients list above to show the milk. Thanks!


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Fresh Peach Cake
How long do we bake this cake? You listed the temperature, but not the time. This sounds wonderful! I cant wait to try it!


Light Supper Menus Ideas for a Home for the Elderly?
I would suggest what one of the nicest retirement centers in our area does and that is to have some sort of sandwiches or hamburgers, maybe even sloppy joes for the evening meal. You could even have a salad bar type meal. It does seem that these people do prefer...


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Can I Freeze Watermelon?
The watermelon will be very mushy when thawed and probably not too appetizing. I wouldnt recommend it.


What Breed is My Dog?
Pitbull. Definitely. My daughter has one.



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Chicken Tortilla Soup
You mentioned both tomato sauce and tomato paste in the recipe. Which one is correct? Thank you!


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Overnight Caramel Rolls
Annjjel219, the answer to your question in instant pudding. Hope you enjoy!


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How to Rid the Yard of Parvo, Can You Get It More Than Once?
Definitely consult a vet on this one. Parvo is very life threatening and not worth taking any chances whatsoever!


A collection of brightly colored cookie cutters.

ThriftyFun Tips
Love all your tips! I would caution you, though, about the salt removing fleas...according to my vet, that one is not something that will work, but if youve tried it and had success, more power to you! I still spend a fortune for Frontline for my 3 dogs to...


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Eggless, Milkless and Butterless Cake
You can use all purpose flour for this cake.


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Pineapple Cheese Salad
Use the small jar of pimento cheese.


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Different Pea Salad
Actually, it is a typo, but it does still call for 1 cup sugar. However, I would never be afraid to tweak a recipe to my liking, so please feel free to try with only 1/2 cup sugar, if you would like to. I might have to try that, too, just to see how it turns...


Dogs Fighting for Dominance?
First, if your dogs are not neutered, then you definitely need to make sure that is done. Also, it is not uncommon for 2 dogs of the same sex living in the same household to have a problem with the dominance issue. Cesar Millan has some great books. I would...


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Relief for Itchy Ears?
I have battled allergies for years. It sounds like you might be having some trouble along that line, too. Every year when I go to my allergist, she asks me if my ears ever itch. Might be something to check into. Good luck!


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Potted Rose Bush Losing It's Leaves
I cant put the bush outside right now. We live in Iowa and the temperatures are running in the 20s on a good day.


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Recipe Substitute For Onion?
Honestly, in the thousands of recipes I have there really arent many that HAVE to have the onion. Usually it is used just to flavor dishes. Most of the time you can just leave it out. Not sure of a substitute unless it would be garlic??? If you have ulcerative...


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Easy, Inexpensive Thanksgiving Dinner?
I will give you the sample Thanksgiving menu that is in my mothers cookbook, along with as many recipes as possible. Harvest Celebration Cup To begin with this Harvest cup, thaw 2 pkgs. (12oz. each) frozen mixed fruit as per directions on package. Do not drain...



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Graduation Cake Ideas?
I would check the Wilton cake decorating books. Also, go to your library and see what kind of cake decorating books that they have. Thirdly, I would consult with a bakery and see if they have any suggestions. Good luck!


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Lamb Curry and Shrimp Fried Rice?
Look for these at Good luck!


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Fastnachts Recipe?
Go to for some great recipes for this. Good luck!


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Homemade American Food for Japanese Mother in Law?
The all-American favorite is fried chicken! Make some potatoes and gravy, a vegetable and maybe an apple or cherry pie for dessert and you have your all American meal!


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Dog Became Aggressive After Having Puppies?
I suggest that you find a Pit Bull group on the internet or, better yet, in your area and ask their advice. Also, you should talk to your vet about it. Sounds like you need to do it right away, too! I wouldnt put a loved family pet down until I had tried everything...


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