Removing Sharpie from Dryer and Cabinets?
This could work...A friend once got ink (not necessarily permanent, but still) on her bosss white leather couch. She was able to remove it with isopropyl alcohol.
Remedy for Ear Itching?
Ive heard there could be one of two causes, if not both (in my case, anyway). One: Allergies. Two: People with fibromyalgia (which I have) seem to suffer with ear itching a lot. As for remedies, Im sorry to say I dont have any. I wish I did, though. My right...
What Breed is My Dog?
Looks a little bit like a Jack Russell Terrier. If she is somewhat of a jumping bean, Id say its a good bet.
Product Review: Voyager Solar Crank KA500 Radio
CaroleeRose: Thank you for the thorough review. I think Ill be getting one of the radios, myself. By the way: We are neighbors. I live inn Toney (near Harvest). What a small world! Angie