I live in London England (Europe), I am married no kids yet but, we're trying, I was a chef, (self- employed) now I sell meat into restaurants for a farmer and work at the weekend and do focus groups for extra ££/$$ when I can! (looking set up my own stall/stand). I like to cook at home, like make bread, jams,. Inspite living in the city I have a garden patch (we call them allotments here), nearest thing to a backyard. Its so, expensive here its a pity more people aren't more carefull, in order to make things go further ....thats why I like this site so, far.
My wife and I want to live in the west country something with a little land. My wife is an overseas pharmasict.
I have family statesside but, never see them and only hear from my mom at christmas.
I use to travel alot + go sailing also, like being outdooors, but its not so much fun in the city) looking to build a cover for my balcony at my apartment to effectively use all year round.
I added a photo : my wife angel I and myself are in the middle.