Problems With Office Mate?
I would first document everything. Then I would record the behavior with a small recorder. Then I would approach her again and try and politely discuss this with her. Continue documenting everything, next I would get to my bosses again, then her bosses. Express...
Conserving Water During A Drought
I can see possibly watering the garden with gray water, but then mopping your floor with dirty dish water sounds like it would create more problems. Such as bugs and a dirty smelling house.
Having Garden Soil Analyzed?
My local nursery has the kits, it comes in a little box preaddressed. You just gather sample and mail it in with a check for $10. Ask your nursery if they have something similar.
Making a Yarn Keeper?
Coke bottle would work but they no longer have the plastic cups on the bottom. Ive used empty coffee cans and empty ice cream container, shoe boxes. You dont have to get fancy an regular box will do. You just need to be able to keep the yarn from getting tangled...
Lightening Dyed Hair?
Alternate using dawn dish soap and baking soda. Keep repeating and it will remove the color. I did mine once and after washing it five times in one bath it was a shade I could live with.
Find Treasures At Thrift Stores
Absolutely right. Sometimes it is better to go consignment when looking for leather and name brands as well. Usually they are very up on the latest fashions and know name brand from knock off. They have sales too! Last February I found two $200 plus brown sheerling...
Dental Health Tips
Great advice Mom, your right most people dont know these basic things. Also bad oral practices can lead to heart problems and many other things. You take care of your body take care of your teeth!
Help with Crochet Instructions?
Absolutely right. In the next stitch work 1 dc ch 1 1 dc. These three steps are what is going to create your shell look, thats why they must be in the same stitch.
Removing a Tight Ring?
Lol grami948 is right! I couldnt get a ring off and tried everything. Finally I called a jeweler to ask if they could cut the ring off. The nice lady told me windex or any glass cleaner. My ring slipped right off! By this time it had become more stuck because...
Neighbor's Cats Using Planter as Litterbox?
Move your gravel out of the way or lay chicken wire on it. Use scissors to cut space for your plants. Cover with more of your gravel. When the cats dig to go potty they will step on the wire. They cant stand walking on it!
Refunds For Reebok Easy Tone Shoes
I researched before I bought any and asked sales people what they had heard about each brand. I ended up with new balance, which I had not even seen advertised! They work! My legs were sore the next morning just from wearing them around the house. The last...
Pickle Juice for Clogged Drains
Lol Mom, now I can try the pickle juice on mine! Ive also been trying everything else:) Hopefully I wont have to take the whole thing apart!
Getting Red Hair Dye Off Your Forehead?
Its so aggravating when something like this happens! ( Ive had a few mishaps) use dawn dish soap, it will remove the color. I usually alternate it with baking soda. Hope this helps.
Removing Pet Odors from a Rug?
Natures miracle. It has enzymes that bind to the ammonia in urine and destroy it completely. Thus getting rid of the smell and killing the germs. You can purchase it at Petsmart.
Caring For Long Hair
Thanks you! Ive never heard of using coconut oil. I have heard of Wen. I will say though on a budget Ive been advised to use Tresemme. Id heard it in beauty school and have also had several hairdressers tell me it is the best thing to buy if you must go cheap...
Removing Cat Urine Odor from Subflooring?
We had the same problem at our house when we bought it. Apparently the elderly lady had like 20 something cats in the house and outdoors she also had a ton of raccoons. We ran air purifiers for 48 straight, lent to us from our agent. Then we wiped all the walls...
Plantar Wart Coming Back?
Ive always heard that you take a tiny piece of garlic clove and duct tape it on the wart. Keep changing it until its gone.
Seriously Itchy Dog?
Hi! The fish oil is great for their coats. My poor doberman, Sauer was born with red mange. He lost a ton of hair and itched constantly! During his mange treatments we began supplementing him with childrens vitamins and fish oil. His coat started looking better...
Hibiscus Not Blooming?
Hi! Is this a tropical or hardy hibiscus? Ive found with the tropicals that they either are not getting enough water, lack of fertilizer or are root bound. Im sure youve kept up with the water and such so if its tropical Id guess its to big for your pot. Leaving...
Cleaning Your Silver
Thanks for the feedback everyone! The amount of salt, baking soda and water depends on what size bowl your using. If your cleaning a larger item and using a bigger bowl you would use more of everything. Smaller items less. Sprinkle over the foil to just cover...
Fixing Up Leather Shoes?
My cat did that to the collar and sleeve of my leather jacket. I brought it to my local shoe repair place, its militellos here in baton rouge. They were able to fix it very cheaply and it still looks good.
Flat Roof Leak Repair Advice?
My husband is a roofing sales man. Dont call a contractor call a liscence and bonded roofing company, they usually give free estimates. They will locate the leak, you can chose to use them or fix it yourself. But let a professional tell you whether it canbe...
Getting Rid of Fruit Flies?
We had a huge problem I was able to get rid of 90% in one night and the rest the next night by doing this. Apple cider vinegar and dish soap. You dont have to use the bag and all of that. Set as many containers around as you like jars glasses whatever and put...
Underarm Odor?
Botox. I know a number of people who sweat profusely and done this. It works! I would just use this for the immediate problem, while trying to eliminate the source of the problem.
Hair Dye Making Hair Course?
When I was in beauty school we colored or bleached or highlighted weekly. What we did (Im serious:) ) was put conditioner in our hair and wrap a plastic bag around it. Like a Walmart bag, tied over the forehead and slept in it. Like lotion and gloves for dry...
Weight Watchers Daily and Weekly Point Totals?
No, it is 35 flex points to be used at one time or divided up. The points go as follows Weight. Points Less than 150lbs. 20 150-175. 22 175-200. 24 200-225. 26 etc. But to be honest if you want to loose the weight I would rarely use the flex points. Ive used...
Removing Pet Urine Odor from Wood Laminate Flooring?
Our house has laminate and the previous owners cats peed everywhere. It was an awful smell. We ran air purifiers then cleaned every surface before moving in. Weve had no more problems. You probably cant do that. I would cut out just a little bit more than the...
Adjusting Stitches to Change the Size of an Oval Crochet Rug?
However long you would like the rug plus two. In other words chain the length you would like plus two. Also increase in different spots so it wont be noticeable.
Recommendations for an Oil Free Sunblock?
Serious skin care has a wonderful line of products all with non prescription grade retinol in them. They have a daily moisturizer with SPF 30, because it has the retinol in it, it prevents oily skin and breakouts. It also clears up black heads and reduces pore...
Entering Toddlers in Beauty Pageants?
I was a childhood beauty queen and an adult beauty queen. There are some pageant lines THAT DO NOT want you to make your baby look like a teenager! They also offer scholarships a very good one is Cinderella. I know the owner, and the manager. I have been friends...
Paint Color Ideas for Black, Cranberry and Beige Bedroom?
I would go with a lighter variation of the cranberry. For example violet, and lavender.
Cabinet Colors for Kitchen With Black Countertops?
Cherry. It looks fantastic with black granite and beige.
What to Do About a Tooth Sensitive to Hot and Cold?
Act mouthwash. Its the pink stuff for kids. Its cheap and has flouride. My friend works for a pediatric dentist and suggested it to me recently, I am having the same problem. I started rinsing and my teeth are no longer sensitive! Grinding your teeth also causes...
Removing Pills From Sweaters?
Great idea! Thanks, I have several sweaters I thought I was going to have to get rid of!
Keeping Hydrangea Blooms for Months of Enjoyment
If you dead head the bloom it promotes new growth. I can see spray painting a drying to look real but why would you want to spray your bush? Especially if you just cut off the dead blooms.