Teen Eligibility for Survivor Benefits?
I am assuming you are talking about Social Security benefits. It sounds as if you may have received some incorrect information. Is the young man a college student? Survivors benefits stop at age 18 unless the young person is still in high school. The rule that...
Remedy for a Tickle in Your Ear?
I agree with the other poster. Since this is causing problems with your head and neck as well, you really should have a doctor check it out. Good luck to you.
Recognizing the Contributions of Volunteers?
I would definitely say something. The volunteers you recruited and you need at least a Thank you for all your hard work. It is hard to get people to continue to volunteer for something if they dont even get a Thank you.
Assistance with School Clothes for Low Income Families?
I dont know the start date of schools in your area, but I would contact your childrens school/schools immediately to let them know your situation. Most public schools have avenues of assistance in place to help parents such as yourself. I am sorry you are having...
Collecting Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
Who took care of you when you were 14? You dont say, but I am assuming it was your mother. At any rate, that person probably filed for your survivors benefits since you were a minor at the time. Because you were a minor, that money would not have come directly...
Is Walmart Liable for Spilled Paint?
I am sorry that you have this problem. The other posters are correct in that you have nothing to lose by speaking to the Walmart manager. However, I think it comes down to whether or not you checked to see if the lid on the can of paint was on tight before...
House Training a 13 Month Old Dog?
To add to Judys response: Your dog does not understand why he is taken outside after he has already had an accident in the house. He may be interpreting this as some kind of punishment, which is not your intention. You need to watch for signs that he needs...
Sibling POA Is Blocking Communication with Mother?
You need to consult a lawyer in the state where your mother and sister live to resolve this matter. Laws concerning elder care and POAs vary from state to state. I may be wrong, but I dont think a POA can be used to prevent you from communicating with your...
Low Cost Pet Euthanasia Services?
I am so sorry you are going through this difficult situation. If your current vet will not comply with your wishes to put the animal down, you need to see another vet. In my experience, once a vet is made aware of the owners wishes, they have done as requested...
Main Circuit Breaker Keeps Shutting Down Our Power?
To be safe, call an electrician. This could potentially be a serious problem.
Opening a Daycare Center?
You need to talk to someone at your states department of human services. They are the ones in most states the regulate daycare centers. In many states the requirement to be certified or licensed depends on the number of children you are going to have in your...
Social Security Benefits for Children?
You should talk to your local social security office. It will depend on a number of factors such as work history. The social security people are the only ones who can answer your question.
13th Birthday Party Ideas?
Put you foot down and tell her NO. Whether she likes it or not, she is far too young for that kind of thing.
Obtaining a POA?
You need to talk to a lawyer who handles POAs. Usually an estate lawyer would be well-versed in this kind of thing.
Substituting Condensed Milk for Whole Milk?
Sweetened condensed milk cannot be substituted for whole milk. Condensed milk is milk that has been reduced and to which a great deal of sugar has been added. You can, however, substitute evaporated milk for whole milk. Just add the same amount of water as...
Cleaning Drains With Baking Soda?
When I clean my kitchen drain, I use 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup white vinegar. Put the baking soda in the drain and follow with the vinegar. When it stops foaming, pour in a pot full of boiling water, followed by cold water. Hope this helps.
Dog Wets Her Bed?
Have you taken the dog to a veterinarian? This sound like a medical problem. Diabetes is a possibility. Please dont just get rid of the dog or assume this is just bad dog behavior.
Gift for Couple Who Has Everything?
Why not do something other than a gift such as flowers? You say that your friend has everything, and that you knew her when times were hard. Why not make a donation to a local charity such as the Salvation Army in your city in honor of your friend? You friend...
Getting Rid of Bugs in Pantry?
I dont know about eucalyptus leaves, but I know that bay leaves will keep bugs out of flour. Hope this helps.
Shopping for Bundled Internet and Phone?
You need to call around to the different companies such as AT&T, Comcast, etc., and ask for price quotes. You can also find information online at their websites. Bundles will vary from company to company depending on what phone and internet services you want...
What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
You can make caprese salad. Just slice the tomatoes and cheese and layer on a plate in sort of a fan shape. You can chop fresh basil to sprinkle on top or use the whole basil leaves as a third layer. Drizzle the whole with a bit of olive oil and season with...
We Went to Paris for $20
Congratulations; however, you are assuming that $20 per week is easy. For some people, it would definitely mean getting a second job. Do the math - $20 per week is $100 dollars per month, and that is a lot of money for many people.
Dental Care Without Insurance?
Two things you might try: If there is a dental school near where you live, you could get treatment for very reasonable cost there. The work would be done by dental medicine students under the supervision of instructors. A second thing to try is your church...
Home Repair Grant Denied?
I think you would be better advised to contact someone in the community organization you referred to in your question. They would be the only ones who can answer your question.
Getting Rid of a Snake Under the Deck?
Call your local animal control office. If you are right about the kind of snake, you do not want to tackle this on your own. If you are outside and sense that the snake is near, then call 911.
Candy Cane Fudge Not Setting?
I am assuming that the milk substitution was not part of the recipe you followed. It sounds like you substituted evaporated milk for the condensed milk. If that is correct, you wont be able to get the fudge to set up no matter what you do. Evaporated milk and...
Feeding Puppy?
A puppy of 2-3 weeks is too young to be taken away from its mother. I would advise you to seek help from a vet. Feeding a puppy this young regular puppy food could do more harm than good. You have basically a very new-born on your hands, and it needs special...
Substituting Tomato Paste for Tomato Sauce?
This kind of imformation is very easy to find online. However, to answer your question: mix your can of tomato paste with an equivalent amount of water until well blended. That will make tomato sauce.
Registering a Complaint at the Post Office?
Go to the post office and insist on speaking to the Postmaster. This is the person in charge. Explain what happened and ask what can be done. I dont know at this point what the post office can do, but there may be something. If you dont get help, ask for the...
When Can Babies Sit Up Alone?
Have you brought up this concern with your childs doctor? While it is true that all babies develop at their own rate, certain things are considered to be developmental markers. If your baby is not sitting alone by the age of 10 months, this is a concern. Most...
Leaving a Kitten Alone?
Please do not leave this kitten alone for that long! Even with having someone to take care of food and water, a cat or a dog can get into so many difficult situations. A cats natural curiosity makes your kitten even more vulnerable to getting hurt. If you must...
Keeping a Senior Outside Dog Warm in Winter?
This sounds like obvious neglect on the part of you neighbor, bordering on cruelty given the dogs age. Have you offered to take the dog yourself? You seem to be caring for it anyway. Maybe they would be willing. If not, then you need to report this to the local...
Buying a Sling for a Fractured Arm?
If you or someone you know has what may be fracture and has not received medical treatment, you need to seek it immediately. The short answer to your question is that casts are applied by medical personnel. They cannot be purchased as so many medical supplies...
Activity Ideas for Babysitting?
I think you should ask the mom what the girls like to do, especially since one of them has had this surgery. There may be limitations on her activities that you need to know about.
Celery Stored in Bags Still Gets Limp?
I have had success storing celery in aluminum foil. Just make sure the stalk is dry, and wrap it completely in heavy duty foil, and store in the refrigerator. Each time you remove a rib, just re-wrap the stalk. I have been able to keep celery fresh and crisp...
Getting Coupons in the Mail?
You have to subscribe to magazines to start receiving them in the mail. When you buy a magazine at a store, it should have at least one subscription card in it. You just fill out the card and mail it with the payment to the company. I have no idea how to get...
Remedy for Dog With Itchy Inflamed Ears?
You need to take you dog to the vet ASAP. This sounds as if it could be anything from ear mites to some sort of allergy. At any rate, your dog is suffering and needs to be seen by an expert.
Finding Vet Who Will Accept Monthly Payments?
From your post, I gather you live in England. I cant help with advice about a vet there, but I do want to offer some advice about your cat. I say this with all care and kindness. Please think seriously about putting the cat down. I know that is a hard decision...
Remedy for Puppy with Diarrhea?
Take the puppy to the vet ASAP. Diarrhea can mean any number of things, and in a puppy, it can be quite serious. This is not something you want to treat with home remedies.
Automotive Sales Laws in Alabama?
If you think you have been a victim of fraud, contact the Alabama state attorney generals office. They should have a consumer fraud division. They would be your best bet for advice, and whatever help they give you should be at no cost to you.
Disposing of Old Paint?
Call your local mayors office and ask if your city has a place where paint and other materials that cannot go in the regular garbage can be dropped off. Most towns and cities have such a place nowadays.
Helping a Friend to Move?
This sounds to me like a case of live and learn. You state that you got into a similar situation with this friend once before. Next time, get more specific information before agreeing to help with a big task. Ask for details such as Do you want help with the...
My Dog Ate a Pair of Underwear?
Take the dog to the vet immediately! He is in serious trouble. The fabric will not be digested, as you seem to think.
Senior Trip Fundraising Ideas?
You dont say how old your children are, but Im assuming they are in high school now. Why not have them get part-time jobs to help pay these expenses? I am a high school teacher, and I firmly believe that seniors should pay these expenses themselves as much...
Remedies for Post-op Nerve Pain?
Im so sorry to hear that you are having this problem. Ask your doctor to refer you to a pain management clinic. The medical professionals there are specially trained in techniques to manage pain without having to resort to the usual pain medications most often...
Keeping Celery Crisp?
Dry the stalk of celery well. Wrap it completely in aluminum foil, molding the foil to the celery as tightly as possible. Each time you use some celery, just re-wrap the rest in the foil and put back into the refrigerator. I have kept a stalk of celery fresh...
Baby Wipes Flushed Down Toliet?
Have you tried a plunger? Use one to try to plunge the material on through to the drain pipe. If you still hear the gurgle or the toilet still acts as if it is about to stop up, you need to call a plumber. It may be that the wipes are already in the pipe, and...
What is All Purpose Flour?
All purpose flour is flour without any baking soda, baking powder, or salt added to it.
Making Homemade Butter?
You need to use heavy cream to make butter instead of whipping cream. They are two different products. Heavy cream has the higher fat content necessary to produce butter. You should be able to find heavy cream in your grocerys dairy section.
Finding an Old Boyfriend?
I am sorry you are having a hard time, but trying to reconnect with an old boyfriend is rarely, if ever, a good idea. Since you went your separate ways, you dont know what is happening in his life. He may have a girlfriend or even a wife by now, and you would...
Storing Eggs?
While it is correct that which end of the egg is up doesnt matter, eggs should be left in the carton instead of being placed in the refrigerator tray. Leaving them in the carton keeps them fresher for a longer period of time.
Cleaner for Stainless Steel Sink?
I suggest using baking soda. It is a mild abrasive so it wont hurt the sink, and you cant beat it for cost.
Girl's 12th Birthday Party Ideas?
Im sorry, but for a girls twelfth birthday, this is all really too much. She is not in any way old enough for the kind of event that she thinks she wants. Three or four of her friends over to spend the night, with pizza, movies, and plenty of snacks should...
Painting Over a Water Stain from Leaking Roof?
Ive never heard of the shellac idea, so cant comment on it. I would recommend putting a coat of Kilz on the area to seal it before painting. That is what I have done before, and it works very well.
Reviving a Dead Cell Phone Battery?
You didnt provide a great deal of information. Are you saying that the battery has simply run down? If so, then all you have to do is re-charge it by plugging the phone into your charger and then plugging the charger into an electrical outlet until the message...
Cable Company Charging for Burned Equipment?
First let me say how glad I am that you were not harmed in the fire. Your story perfectly illustrates the need to have renters/tenants insurance. The cable company has every right to expect payment for their equipment. The circumstances causing you to no longer...
Making Fleecy Hats?
Im not sure if this would apply to making hats, but maybe it will give you an idea. When you fold a piece of regular notebook paper in half horizontally, that is referred to as hamburger. Folding the paper in half lengthwise is referred to as hotdog. My students...
Blanching Corn?
KansasCindys response gives the correct definition of blanching. However, the blanching time varies depending on the vegetable. Some require no more than 1-2 minutes; others may require 3 minutes or more. Thriftyfun has a guide to blanching on the website. You...
Freezing Baked Apples?
I would think that freezing baked apples would make them too watery, and you end up with, basically, applesauce.
Painting a Smoker's Room?
You say you washed the walls before painting. What did you wash them with? The best thing to use would have been a weak bleach solution or a cleaner such as Spic-n-Span mixed with hot water. You also should have sealed the walls with a coat of Kilz before putting...
End of the Year Teacher Gift Ideas?
Im a teacher myself, so Im happy to offer some suggestions. The best gift you could give would be a note telling what that teacher has meant to you and what you have gained from being in his/her class. We rarely get those and that simple thank you means so...
Removing Cloudy Film on Glass Bowls?
I checked the thrifty fun archives, and found a post that recommended using Easy Off or a similar oven cleaner to remove the film. The post also said you could use fine steel wool and straight ammonia. Hope this helps.
Deadheading Lilies?
To deadhead lilies, just remove the spent/dead blooms. The purpose of deadheading is to remove those blooms to stimulate the growth of new blooms. If you remove the entire stem, you are actually destroying the plant.
Advice for Teen Starting to Babysit?
I agree with the reply posted by Greenergrass. Check out your local hospitals for babysitter training classes. At least one of the hospitals in my area offers these classes. She would get the training necessary for the job, and Im sure that parents would appreciate...
Buying Sugarfree Peanut Butter?
I buy Smuckers All Natural peanut butter. You can find it at any major grocery store. It has peanuts and peanut oil only. It is great tasting, and for a diabetic, as I am, its a blessing.
Removing Coffee Odor from Couch?
Try sprinkling baking soda on the area and letting it sit for a few minutes. Vacuum the area thoroughly to remove the baking soda. This may work. If not, then the liquid may have penetrated to the foam underneath the fabric. If that is the case, you may have...
Cost of Dog Shots?
The cost depends on where you live and what the vets in your area charge. I would call around to several vets, ask what shots are recommended, and what the cost would be. Please dont delay in getting your pet vaccinated. These shots are necessary to the health...
Baking with Self Rising Flour?
Not unless you are using a recipe that specifically calls for self-rising flour and baking soda.
Using Vinegar to Keep Car Windshield and Windows Ice Free?
I use this vinegar idea with good success. In the winter, I keep a spray bottle filled with white vinegar and spray my windshield each evening. Hope this helps.
Finding a Pro Bono Attorney?
I agree with the other poster about your friend and his third strike. He knew what he was getting into. However, for the person going through the divorce, I would call your states bar association and ask about firms that do pro bono work in your area. Also...
Where Can I Buy Borax?
Look in the aisle where the laundry detergents are located. You should be able to find it there. The most common brand is 20 Mule Team borax.
Cat Has Bad Breath?
I agree that this calls for an appointment with the vet without delay. Not only could there be a problem with your cats teeth, the bad breath could be a sign of other very serious things as well. You certainly would not want your cat to be in discomfort.
Repelling Ants with Jello?
Like MCW, I would think Jello would attract ants because of the sugar. It could be that whoever told you about this meant to say you can mix ant poison into the Jello. That way the ants would eat the poison along with the Jello. Thats the only way I can think...
Can I Freeze Cucumbers?
Freezing cucumbers will result in a mushy, very watery product. The best way to preserve cucumbers is to make pickles.
Advice for First Time Home Buyers?
FYI to redhatterb: in many communities, the buyer can waive a home inspection. They arent necessarily required. To the original question, I notice that you are from Kentucky, and you stated that you are considering an as is home. That means that you would be...
How Do I Keep Okra?
Yes, you can freeze okra. To freeze whole, just blanch briefly ( a minute will do) in boiling water and pack in freezer bags. You can also slice the okra after blanching and freeze it that way. You can also make pickled okra. Southern Living magazine has a...
Blue Sparks Near the Stove Eye Plug When Turned On?
Any time you see sparks when using an electrical apppliance, you run the risk of fire. You need to call an appliance repairman or an electrician to check out the problem. It sounds like you may have a short in the plug. In any case, do not use that eye until...
Freezing Celery?
To keep celery fresh for use in salads, etc., you can wrap the entire stalk in aluminum foil. Dont wash the celery and make sure you dry off any moisture first. Make sure you mold the foil to the celery as much as possible and both ends are completely enclosed...
Dog Has Diarrhea?
Take the dog to a veterinarian immediately. Diarrhea for three days is as serious in an animal as it is in a human.
Freezing Coleslaw?
I wouldnt recommend it. Cabbage, like other leafy vegetables, becomes limp and a bit watery when frozen.
Support Groups for Parents Who Have Lost an Adult Child?
Im so sorry for your loss. There is a support group called Compassionate Friends that you might look into. They are geared to people in your situation. You might ask at your church or check with social service organizations in your area to see if there is a...
Why Do Apples Turn Brown?
All apples, in fact most cut fruit, will turn brown once exposed to air. To prevent this, you can dip the fruit in lemon juice or other citrus juice. You can also sprinkle on some FruitFresh, which is a commerical product containing citric acid. It is made...
What Are Some Legitimate Coupon Websites?
RedPlum.com and Smartsource.com are good ones. Also try coupons.com. All of these are the real thing. In fact, redplum and smartsource are where many of the coupons in the Sunday newspapers come from.
Freezing Fresh Peas in the Pod?
What kind of peas are you referring to? Most all peas and beans have to be shelled first. Also, peas and beans, pretty much any vegetable really, has to be blanched before freezing to destroy any bacteria. If you arent experienced with freezing fruits and vegetables...
Help With Prescription Drugs?
Try contacting Merck directly. You should be able to locate a website for the company. All drug companies have a department to assist people in your situation.
Are Census Workers Still Collecting Information in 2011?
I live in the South so cannot comment specifically on California, but I would think all the Census work has been completed. I know my state has already received its information from the Census. I would have your daughter refuse to respond if she is contacted...
Why is My Cat Licking It's Fur Off?
I would advise taking your cat to the vet. With a cat that old, you could be looking at a serious problem. At the very least, something has irritated the area,or the cat would not be licking that aggressively.
Keeping Cats from Peeing on Furniture?
Cats are very particular about the litter in their boxes. Go back to the litter you were using and gradually change to the new one. He may be confused because his scent isnt in the litter box. To stop him from using your furniture, try sprinkling a little cayenne...
Adopted Dog Does Not Have All of Its Shots?
Absolutely, you should tell the vet. Your dog needs to be on a regular schedule of shots. Not doing that is simply irresponsible.
Donating Books to Charity?
Along with the suggestions already made, I would also contact the local libraries in your area. I know in my area the library accepts donated books, and what they dont put into circulation, they put in their book sales to raise needed funds for their programs...
Chemical Odor from New AC/Heat Pump Makes Me Ill?
While the glue may be the culprit, I am concerned about the physical symptoms you describe. I would shut off your system and contact the company that installed it immediately. If this is making you sick, it is a serious matter.
Can I Freeze Bread in Original Packaging?
Freezing bread in just its original bag can cause the bread to dry out as the bag is not air tight. I take my bread out of the bag, wrap the whole loaf in plastic wrap as tightly as I can without squashing the bread, put it back into the original bag, and close...
Getting Rid of Dog Urine Odor on the Kitchen Floor?
If the dog is going only to the uncarpeted spot in the kitchen, another thing yhou could try is sprinkling a little cayenne pepper on the spot. I know that works for cats as they do not like the smell. It may work for dogs as well. I would try that first and...