Discouraging Cats from Pooping in the Garden?
The most recommended solution Ive found is laying bird mesh just under the top surface of your garden. It a plastic mesh that works by getting caught in the cats paws preventing them from digging and they abandon that spot. You can find it in the garden section...
Ideas for Surprise 13th Birthday Party?
Currently, photo booths are very popular. They provide a good opportunity of interactions between guests. All you need is a backdrop ( like a tablecloth over a door) add in some fun accessories: a halloween wig, a grass skirt, cowboy hat, mardi gras beads (you...
Collecting a Deceased Sibling's Social Security?
If you are her only surviving heir, make sure you explore any retirement plans that she contributed to at work. You may be entitled to claim those funds.
Cleaning Kitchen Cupboards?
I use Orange Glo on my wood cabinets. It removes kitchen buildup and replenshes the wood to a natural glow. The smell is nice also.
Decorating a Small Foyer?
You didnt state the size of the mirror. If the mirror ilooks too small for the wall, you can make it feel more impactful by accenting it with a painted rectangle about 2 inches larger all around, and hang the mirror in the center. Or you can mount the mirror...
What Breed Is My Dog?
The picture is of boxer puppies. I see resemblances in the wrinkling around the eyes, the broad chest and in the eyes. Adorable and lucky puppy. Congrats on your new family member.
Attaching Photos to the Outside of Glass Blocks?
Im sorry for your loss. Your memorial sounds nice. I would be concerned with sealing the photograph to protect it from dust, and moisture. One way you could go is to have the photograph laminated. Most office supply stores will do this for you for a nominal...