Constant Scratching Noises in My Walls?
We had the same problem with noises in the wall. Thought it was mice, but turned out to be bats. Noticed them flying out early one morning. Call a local animal trapping service! My local trapper told me what to do over the phone=no more bats! Didnt even have...
Cooking Dry Beans?
I can my dry beans. Here is the link for info: I love having a variety of beans canned and ready for chili, soup or to make refried beans.
Using Fresh Butternut Squash and Pumpkins in Cooking
Wow, that sure beats the oven method. Thanks for the tip.
Canning October Beans?
Here a couple sites to check out: For canned October beans and recipes.
What is This Insect?
Without seeing a picture, my guess would be a that it is a blue bottle fly. We have them around here and they are harmless. Here is a link that tells about the blue bottle fly.
Is There a Book of Quick Make It Yourself Convenience Mixes?
There are three books that have been out of print but still can be found at auction sites like ebay and halfbay. Make your own groceries, more make your own groceries and better than store bought. Lots of information for making mixes, freezer meals and convenience...
Recipe for Korean Beef Stirfry Over Rice With Egg Omelet On Top (Bulgogi)?
I was going to say the same thing- Bulgogi, absolutely delicious. My Dad was stationed in Korea an learned how to make it on a hibachi.
Recycled Pet Food Bag Tote?
Debbie, I would suspect these bags are washable since they are made of plastic, though I would be careful how you wash them maybe on gentle with warm or cold water or just use a wet cloth and air dry.
Freezing Sweet Potatoes?
You need to cook them first, either bake or boil and mash them. Baked ones let cool and toss in a freezer safe bag and label, to use pull out what # you want and let thaw and then reheat. For mashed either put into serving size containers or dollop serving...
Canning and Preserving Pears - Recipes?
I like to make pear juice. It helps if you have a good juicer. I wash, peel and cut into pieces to fit the hole in the top of the machine and juice making sure I have some fruit fresh in the receiving container to keep the juice from turning brown, no sugar...
What is Cool Whip?
If you cant find Cool Whip try a search for stabilized whipped cream, it should hold up in recipes like Cool Whip.
Cooking Okra Without the Slime?
The key is to cook the okra in a small amount of oil-olive or coconut are good choices, slowly at a low to medium low temperature, stirring often so it doesnt burn, that way the water in the okra is evaporated and leaves you with yummy lightly toasted okra...
Recycled Denim And Flannel Window Quilt
Wow, Ive been wanting to make a quilt like that for a long time. Thanks for sharing.
Elderflower Cordial
Thanks for posting, I heard you could make wine with elderberry flowers but didnt know about making cordial.
Homemade Hostess Cupcakes
Thanks for the recipe. Looks like it will be a hit at my home with the kids.
Sweet Potato Gnocchi
Thanks for posting, we grew an abundant crop of sweet potatoes this year and I want to try lots of different ways to serve them.
Can I Use Unbleached Flour in Place of Regular All Purpose?
Absolutely, Ive been doing that for years myself.
Add Pumpkin Pie Spice to Coffee Grounds
I like to shake a generous amount of cinnamon and shake a small amount of cloves in my grounds-lovely especially for the winter. Try using molasses instead of honey or sugar to sweeten your morning brew. I have also toasted pecans, ground them and add to the...
$10 Dinners: Bean With Bacon Soup
Bean with bacon was my all time favorite soup. The stuff they have now is not the same. Thank you for sharing your version, might even make some tomorrow.
Should I Choose Brown or White Eggs?
I think there are varieties of chickens that lay blue eggs, green eggs or speckled eggs but you dont see those in the markets.
Cooking With Frozen Okra?
Absolutely, Ive been doing it for years. Just cut it and bag it. I have gone to the trouble of laying a single layer on a cookie sheet and freezing overnight. Works either way. When youre ready to cook just use it from the frozen state. I like to slowly saute...
Getting Rid of Armadillos?
The dog idea works great. I have a new dog, a new stray actually, that not only got rid of the armadillos but also the moles, squirrels and rabbits and doing a supper job on the mice as well. The cod liver oil mixed with unscented plain kitty litter with a...
Growing: Stevia
If Stevia causes sterility how come there are still people having kids-many kids in South America the area that it grows so easily. I would question the study and find out who backed it before writing it off. I would worry more about aspartame and splenda.
I love Baklava! Only changes are I use 1/2 c sugar and 1 12 ounce jar honey and no extra water. My recipe dates back to 1983 cant remember the magazine though.
Use Nails To Bake Potatoes Faster
I have been using aluminum nails in potatoes for years and they really do work. If I have extra large potatoes I use 2 nails. Ive also done the same with potato casseroles and meatloaf.
Craft: Mooning Scarecrow
A friend told me about seeing a picture of a mooning scarecrow. This is too funny.
Favorite Kitchen Gadgets?
Im known as the gadget queen among my friends, I must have used and own so many. The little chopper is great, I would add high quality silicone bake ware-look up demarle they are pricey but have lifetime warranties on most of their items and nonstick to boot...
Homemade Soup Noodles
Down South we call these noodles dumplings and make chicken and dumplings, great comfort food.
Making Fig Fruit Leather?
Thanks, I went ahead and made some but I just stemmed, washed and pureed the figs. I rolled the leather in wax paper and cut into 2 pieces for snacking and vacuum sealed in mason jars. Why would you need to peel them?
Planting Vegetables in Alabama?
I live in zone 8 in Alabama and you could still plant peppers, tomatoes, squash, eggplant and okra in June and July, but if you are planting in an area that has not been prepared consider planting in containers and prepare your garden area for fall by tilling...
Getting Rid Of Bugs On Tomato Plant?
I agree an insecticidal soap is the only way to get rid of stink bugs but you have to spray it directly on the bug and keep spraying every time you see them. If you make your own soap solution make sure you are using soap and not detergent, detergents can damage...
Bagged Omelettes
Ditto on using the ziploc bags. Also consider what is being leached into your food when cooking with plastic bags. Most bags are made specifically for storage not cooking either in boiling water or microwaves and there are alot of chemicals that breakdown when...
Tips for Using an Onion Blossom Maker?
I bought one of those onion bloosom thingys too- have yet use it but heard you could bake instead of fry. Maybe try cutting up potatoes or other round veggies like turnips and baking them for something different. Just some ideas.
Liver Fantastique
Thanks for this recipe. I usually marinate my liver in Italian dressing so this will be a nice change of pace.
Full Dinners That Can be Frozen and Reheated?
Ive made pot pies- chix and turkey. Purchase pot pie pans at any grocery store at least a dozen. Make any pot pie, macaroni n cheese, spagetti etc recipe and portion in your pans. Freeze individualy and then bag together remember to mark whats in the bags. For...
Potholders From Fabric Scraps
I would love to see a picture of your potholders. I make potholders out of bar towels. Fold the towels in fourths and sew down the middle and along the edges.
How to Kill Vegetation?
Borax works great just sprinkle on whatever you want to kill and lasts a while great for brick patios. Lots less toxic than round-up. If you are trying to kill vegetation along a fence pour used motor oil along the fenceline. Another idea is to buy one of those...
Stuffing that Warms with Body Heat?
I used styrofoam peanuts I saved from packages and stuffed them in a woven plastic bag that sunflower seeds came in, just dont over stuff. I just sewed the end closed and the cats love it. It is light weight and easy to clean, you could put it inside a large...
Growing Organic Vegetables at Home
To keep deer at bay try scattering hair clippings around your plants or bloodmeal. There is also a product called Not tonight deer that supposedly works like a liquid fence. Google it and youre sure to get many hits. I live out in the country and my two dogs...
Alternative to Soaker Hoses?
David, What Im looking for is a solution for seed beds like carrots, beets , onions, garlic etc. I already use a drip system for individual plants. Marge, I would look for old hoses but I live in the back 40 about 25 miles from town, good idea though.
Dehydrating Fruits and Vegetables
I bought an Excalibur dehydrator several years ago and love it. I too dry fruit, fruit leathers and veggies. It is so nice to have my own garden veggies dried and ready for the soup or stew pot. If anyone wants a reference book I recommend Preserve It Naturally...
Dehydrating Fruits and Vegetables
I have the 9 tray excalibur I figured that would handle just about anything I wanted to dry. Make sure you get the teflex sheets for making leathers, check on ebay for them they are cheaper and same quality. As for getting one with a timer great idea, mine...
Pill Box For Earrings
I use ice cube trays, a lot of earrings can be stored in several trays. At a glance I know if the earrings Im looking for are in a tray, no opening lids. For travel though a pill minder would be great.
Mildew Smell from Homemade Laundry Detergent?
I would really recommend using vinegar in the rinse, about a cup to cup and a half should work. Vinegar is a mild natural disinfectant .
Keep Kitchen Tools Handy
I use two fairly large vases on my counter to store my mixing spoons, spatulas, ladles etc. They look pretty and are always handy. Make sure thay are fairly heavy so thay dont tip over easily. I also saved a large oatmeal box and store small seldom used kitchen...
Remote Control Tips?
I bought a remote caddy and trained my hubby to ALWAYS put the remotes there. My motto pick a place for something an ALWAYS put it back when done, and you will always FIND it. Works for everything that can get misplaced. Now if I could train the baby to do...
Organizing Bills and Statements?
I have a realy strong magnet with a clip on it that I put all my unpaid bill on that I keep on my refig. I write the amount and date due on each envelope. When paid I write ck# on bill or staple online reciept to bill and place in monthtly bills file. I have...
Homemade Southern Red Beans and Rice, Mary's Favorite
I make a similar recipe but use pinto beans. Yes, butter makes this recipe so yummy what ever kind of bean you use.
Pet Stew and Pet Food Stretcher
I make up a big pot of cheap rice and mix in the peelings and add any extra fat from cooking like bacon or beef fat,Two cups of rice to 4 cups water or broth. I have to move really fast to get the food into their bowls they love this stuff. I dont use any onion...