Tire Recommendations for a 2003 BMW Mini Cooper S?
Bill - Not exactly a thrifty question, but maybe someone can help. Your best source would probably be to ask those questions to your local tire seller, or a auto forum perhaps? Im sure there are plenty of Mini enthusiast pages/groups out there. These links...
Saving Money On Our Honeymoon?
Check out www.Frommers.com They have a very extensive and knowlegable message board (sort of like here!) and post some great prices/packages for travel all over the globe. A little lurking, searching, and questioning here should get all your questions answered...
Does Putting Batteries In The Freezer Extend Their Life?
Storing Batteries Jim Tessmar is the owner of The Battery Hut in Burbank, Calif. Here he offers us advice on how to store batteries properly: * Myths. According to Tessmar, there are a lot of battery storage myths out there, but the most prevalent one is that...
Cleaning Diamond Earrings?
When we bought my wifes wedding ring, they told us (and showed us) that all they use to clean the diamond jewelry is a de-greasing dish soap (like Dawn, etc) to remove the oils and grease. Weve been using this for our jewelry and have been pleased.
Recycling White Board Markers?
You might try using a refillable brand of marker. I havent used them, but take a look at these: http://www.magiboards.com/whiteboard-accessories/
Video Gaming For Less!
Use http://www.metacritic.com for your review needs. Games, movies, music... It is a composite of many, many different reviews so you can get a broad overview of the opinions.
Need Frugal Computer Buying Help?
You could also consider talking to your local high school. Sometimes the tech ed department will fix computers for community members. Its very possible that something minor is creating major problems. Some of these kids (i)really(/i) know what theyre doing...