Square Mesh Flat to Cover Vegetables
Ive been trying to grow sunflowers for a couple years, which should be easy in my area. I realized this past year that the local wildlife was simply eating the stalks when they were small. The sunflowers I put in a more protected garden bed looked amazing. Ill...
How to Replace a Clock Movement
I used a movement without a seconds hand but the store had all different variations including sweep second hand or tick second hand.
Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes
The particular product we used for the wipes recommends using full strength for disinfecting and letting sit for up to ten minutes for maximum effectiveness. Depending on what you are going to use the wipes for it might make sense to use a more dilute cleaning...
Locating a Half Sibling?
This sounds like a job for a private investigator. There are experts in using publicly available information and the clues that you have to track people down.
TV: The Thief of Time
I gave up on cable TV a couple years ago because I found that I was scheduling my life around shows that were on and missing out on real life. I havent missed it. My rule right now is to subscribe to one streaming service at a time. I will switch periodically...
A Different Perspective about Recycling
Theres no need to take labels off or to crush cans or bottles before recycling them. And even a little food residue isnt a big deal. In general a quick rinse is all that is required to remove bulk food. The single stream recycling which most of us do now handles...
Hang Flat Pans on Kitchen Wall
I like it. I love the way cast iron pans look and that makes them really easy to get when you want to cook. Making use of all the space in a small kitchen can be so essential.
Fiestaware Stuck Together?
I would try using dish soap as lubricant, hold the bowl upside down and gently swivel the cup around inside it. When you hit the right spot it should slide out. I dont think force helps. I had this happen with a ramekin that got stuck in a similar bowl. I tried...
Cable TV or ROKU?
You can definitely run two Roku boxes off the same Wi-Fi. However, your bandwidth may become an issue if you try to watch two shows at the same time on both TVs.
Discounted Spay and Neutering?
I found a couple resources online. A good place to ask would be your local pet stores. Petco and Petsmart often have days when they do free or low cost spaying or neutering. If you let a vet know that you are taking care of abandoned cats, many may do the services...
Cleaning Wax From Brass Table?
You can try putting a couple paper towels on the wax and then using an iron on its lowest setting to gently heat the towels. The wax should be absorbed by the towel as it heats. Use as many clean paper towels as you need to absorb all the wax.
Awful Smell in Entryway?
It could be a dead mouse or bird somewhere within your walls, attic, or crawlspace. If you can get into the attic and crawlspace check for signs of animal intrusion. If the animal died somewhere truly inaccessible the smell will usually fade over time.
Ideas for Japanese Themed Birthday Party?
Sushi is a great idea, especially if you love it, but for those who dont like it there are many other Japanese foods that are popular: teriyaki chicken, vegetarian sushi, steamed edamame beans with soy sauce, miso soup, yakisoba, even ramen. You can also play...
Installing a Cat Door
Thanks for your comment. There is still plenty of rail at the bottom of the door. The door opens onto stairs so placing the cat door much further up would make it unusable from the garage side.
Reusable Keurig Pods
Kohls has them as well. If you cant find them locally. http://www.kohls.com/product/prd-1272443/cafe-cup-reusable-single-cup-pods.jsp
Odor from CPAP Machine Burns Nose?
Make sure that you are using distilled water in the humidifier of the machine. Tap water usually has an odor which is generally unnoticeable, but can become very strong when you are breathing it all night. You can get distilled water at any grocery store in...
Removing Stains from a Porcelain Bathtub?
I would try Barkeepers Friend. You can get it at the cleaning isle at your grocery store. I have good luck using it on my porcelain sink.
My Frugal Life: Disguising Generic Items
Refilling a ketchup bottle is a good idea, but be sure to empty it and wash it out good so that you dont get some old ketchup lingering at the bottom. Another way to hide generics is to put them in a reusable container. If your family is used to serving cereal...
Inexpensive Party Locations for Teens and Adults?
Parks usually have free or very inexpensive picnic shelters that you can reserve. You can do a potluck and bring a grill. And, you can set up a volleyball or plan on playing frisbee or other sports. If you are planning on eating out many restaurants have party...
Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFL)...
Weve had good luck with CFLs at our house. I think Ive had two burn out over the last couple years. Well within their advertised lifetime. Do the lights ever blink when your furnace, dryer, or a vacuum cleaner turn on? That can be a sign that your circuit breaker...
How Can I Make Septic Safe Personal Bathroom Wipes?
Travelling overseas gave me a little perspective on throwing away wipes. In many countries they dont use traditional toilet paper and it all goes in the wastebasket. Yes, its a little gross, but really no worse than diapers. We just use a bathroom waste basket...
Fluffy (Long Hair Domestic)
My cat Billie is the spitting image of Fluffy. She has the same long hair and is nearly all black, but in the right light her hair looks smokey in places. She also loves planting herself in the most uncomfortable looking places, although this isnt one of them...
Reinstalling Windows XP?
Staples, Office Depot, and Best Buy all have programs where they will re-install system software for not too much money. They might also be able to help you get the computer to work with Windows 7 and all the peripherals you own. This page has some information...
Use Power Strips to Eliminate Energy Waste
Ive found that some electronics, especially newer ones, actually draw very little power when they are off. But, older electronics can draw a lot of power. A good rule of thumb is to feel whether the transformer is warm after the device has been off for a while...
Who Makes Sam's Club MM Brand Jeans?
This is the store brand of jeans for Sams Club. MM stands for Members Mark. It looks like it is a private label manufactured by Wrangler jeans.
Reviews of Netbooks?
Netbooks are low-powered notebook computers which are intended primarily to access the Internet. If you mostly do web browsing, instant messaging, or read email then it might be a good choice. The main advantage of a netbook is the size. They are very easy...
Product Review: ArmorAll Protectant
The detailer at Honda recommended that I not use Armor All on my car. I checked out the official Honda vinyl/leather cleaner and discovered that it contains aloe vera. Im going to give it a try and then see if I can find a less expensive alternative which still...
Uses For Single Socks
I always try to buy the same color socks so they always match. Or, you can make mismatched socks a fashion statement.
How Do I Get a Dog to Stop Mounting People?
This is a basic training issue so any obedience class should be able to help. The important thing is to first teach the dog to know that the word No means that they should stop doing something. Attach a short leash to the dogs collar and give it a firm, but...
The Green Way to Get Rid of Unused Prescription...
The Earth 911 site has a great index of recycling centers. If you type drugs in the find field and your zip code then it will show if there are any take-back programs near your house. http://earth911.com/ In the Seattle area you can bring drugs to many of the...
Purchasing Food Wholesale for Resale?
Here on the West coast there is a chain of stores that sell wholesale foods called Cash and Carry. If you give them your tax ID then they can exempt you from sales tax. Most of the big warehouse stores like Costco are also able to exempt you from sales tax...
Locating Adopted Relatives?
It looks like a good place to start is the International Soundex Reunion Registry. This service provides a way for parents and adopted children to find each other. If the adopted children are also seeking you out then this service might be able to provide a...