5 Month Old Beagle Is Very Itchy?
I have a beagle as well.He has terrible allergies in spring/summer/fall. Last year it got so bad he had to take a steroid and antibiotic. The itch came back after the meds. They gave me a shampoo that worked wonders! It is DOUXO Chlorhexidine shampoo. I got...
Protect Ripening Fruit with Newspaper
I did the same with my grapes and lunch bags, what a job! The newspaper seems much easier!
Loratadine for Itching Dogs
Thanks for this! My beagle gets terrible allergies in the spring/summer/fall! We have tried lots of things, wanting to try this. He is 30 lbs. Is there a weight/dosage listing you might know of?
Pet Gate to Keep Dog out of Cat Area
Did that keep your Pomeranian out? I bought that gate and my beagle (who has a large chest and weighs 30lbs) could squeeze through! LOL
Recipes Using Cherry Cordial Candies?
Here is a recipe for ice cream. I havent tried it, but it looks good. http://www.fromaway.com/cooking/queen-anne-cherry-cordial-ice-cream
Trying to Sell Live Bamboo?
I live in PA and have been looking for bamboo. What kind is it? Let me know how much and I will pay shipping as well.
Great Great Northern Beans
I remember that bread very well, my Moms favorite. They still have it. It is B&M brown bread, plain or raisin. They also have B&M baked beans as well. Thanks for the memories!
Alternative Containers to Use as a Litterbox?
I bought a cement mixing pan at Harbor Freight for my large cat. It is a very large plastic container with sides deep enough not to make a mess. It was about 6-7 dollars. Works well for us.
Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes?
There are lots of sites on line for veggie holiday recipes. 2 that I use are http://www.vegparadise.com/holiday.html and http://vegweb.com/ Hope that helps.
Shadow Taking Her Cat Nap
What a life! She looks so peaceful and content. I wish I felt like she looks. What a beautiful cat. Sweet Dreams Shadow!
Nellie (Pomeranian)
She is really pretty. And such manners! My dog would have had that sandwich eaten and the plate licked clean in no time. Its so good you took her in. I dont know whats wrong with people who mistreat animals. Dont ask what I think should be done to them!! Nellie...
Using Acorn Flour?
i have made acorn bread before. It is very good. It has a nice grainy texture and an earthy flavor. We collect the acorns, process the tannin out, then roast them. I store them in gallon glass jars and grind when I need them. We also eat them just roasted as...