Easy Whipped Coffee
Looks delicious, does it work with artificial sweetners? Have you tried a bigger batch to freeze for ice cream?
Removing Permanent Marker from Dryer Drum?
Try using hand sanitizer. I hear it works well to dissolve permanent marker on hard surfaces.
Why Do Recipes Call for a Sprinkle of Salt on Top?
Salt on sweets cuts the sugar down a touch and enhances the flavor. Adding salt to a yeast dough will stop or decelerate the rising process.
Organizing Audiobooks on an iPod?
I havent encountered that problem. Usually I can just look for the Resume listing in the different parts, and go right back to where I was. I usually will have only a couple a books in my iPod, though may have many in my library.
Having Furniture Moved Across Country?
Ive used Pods, and they are wonderful. You have a Pod delivered to your old house, pack it up the way you want. Ive been able to pack a bunch of stuff in there. Buy your own padlock and lock it up, call them and send it to your new house. Everything will arrive...
Kindle and iPad For Reading Books
I love my Kindle, Ive got the 2nd Generation model. (It was a gift to myself for the one year aniversary of the day I quit smoking!) I made a cover for it that allows me to slip my hand behind it, like a paddle. I have arthritis also, and this has been very...
75th Birthday Party Centerpiece Ideas?
When I saw the 75, I thought of 3 quarters. You could make some oversized fake quarters with styrofoam disks wrapped in foil with blown up photo copies of quarters with your moms birth year on them. Put some sticks in them, lollipop fashion, and add three of...
Wedding Gown Advice?
Does your sister have any idea how much 26 yards of fabric weighs, much less costs? Ive sewn all my life and have made wedding gowns, and unless she plans on ballooning 12 tiers and a train, it sure is a lot. Yes, the dress is everything the wedding is built...
Folgers' Coffee Can Christmas Art
I went to that website, but didnt see any clip art....? Do you have the direct link? Thanks! Maile from Onalaska
Liner for Wastebasket Keeps Slipping?
Tie a small knot at the top open corner of the bag. This will make it snug as you put it over the edge of your wastebasket. If the bags youre using are on a roll, just keep the roll in the container, too. Then theyre right there when you replace.
Photo: Where's William?
A wonderful memory for both of you. Im sure it will be on his wedding video some day!
Recipe for Corn Tortillas?
There are recipes available for cornmeal tortillas, but you wont have the same texture. Get some Corn Flour, and then add water, knead, roll out and fry. Absolutely delish!
Recipes for a Pressure Cooker?
Pressure cooking is wonderful, once you get used to your cooker. Season your turkey, brown in the cooker, then add a 1/2 cup of water. Close and cook according to the manufacturers recommendations. Wonderful and moist, and lots of juices for gravy!
Take a Short Car Ride
Some of my best childhood memories are just swinging on a huge knotted rope from a hill, or sliding down that hill on some card board. My cousins and I would make sandwiches, go to our secret spot and have a grand day. Even making a fort out of sheets and cardboard...
Adding Dry Fruit to Cake Batter?
Mixing it into the batter will let it absorb the moisture to get nice and plump!
Ideas for Out of Town Wedding Guest Bags?
Ive never heard of a giftbag for wedding guests! Guess Im old fashioned, but wouldnt a hand written, heartfelt thank you card be enough? Seems like everyone is looking for a way to spend money because they read in some magazine that some second rate celebrity...
Hearty Potato and Sausage Soup
Your soup sounded like just the thing for a rain fall day, so I made it, but had to adjust for my lactose intolerance. It was deelish! As my husband says...thats a do again! Thanks for sharing!
Scenery: Thunder Rolls (Florida Coast)
Agree! Do not think its fair to have a professional photographer in amongst us regular point and clickers! I wish I could take back my thumbs up!
Best Cat Litter for Odor Control?
Consider changing your pets diet. Some foods can really affect the output smell. Also, try adding a thick layer of newspaper to the bottom of the box to help control odor. Walmart has a their own brand of litter with a citrus scent that works well for our multiple...
Smelly Front Load Washer?
Run some baking soda through your washer on a quick gentle cycle. Then remember to not close the washer door until it has completely aired out. I have a pretty dishcloth I hang over the door so it wont close and everyone knows that the washer is drying out...
Keeping Cats Off Counters at Night?
Grab your baking trays and lay them on the counter. Fill with a 1/4 inch of water. Place them in different places every night. If you have a lot of counter space and not enough baking trays, lay foil along the edge of the counters. When the cats jump up, they...
Shelf Life of Cake Mixes?
The reason for the expiration dates are for the levening agents in the cake. I would feel comfortable going six months out.
Wildlife: Baby Pony (Assateague Island, MD)
Seeing this takes me back to being a little girl, absolutely in love with Marguerite Henrys books about Misty of Chincotque and the rest of the series. I recently did volunteer work at our local elementary library, and was thrilled to see that book still on...
Heavenly Fresh Fig Cobbler
Im jealous that you have such an abundance of fresh figs. Look on the net and youll find some great recipes for fig jam which is so wonderful! Make that, and your Christmas list is done!
Copycat Herb and Spice Mixes from Packaged Products?
The thing with most packaged flavor packets is they have so much salt. You will find in most the combination of garlic, onion, parsley, etc. Great that youre wanting to make from scratch! This is a great time to explore new herbs and spices!
Sources for Sewing Pattern Instructions?
You didnt mention what type of pattern it was...dress, pants, top, etc. Id be more that happy to help, if I knew what it was you were sewing. Ive done everything from my own wedding gown to swimwear, lingerie, suits, etc. Garment construction is pretty basic...
Affixing Fabric to Mirrored Closet Doors?
A spray adhesive may work well, but why not just remove the doors and put in curtains instead?
Housewarming Invitation Etiquette?
Hosting a party is one thing, asking for gifts is not the thing to do. I would say something to the effect of Come on over to see Johnnys very first apartment, and be amazed at his flair for decorating with cardboard boxes! In the mean time, go down to the...
Remedies for Dog With Hot Spots?
Next time you are at a nursery or plant sale, see if you can get an Aloe Vera plant. Split the leaf and open as much as you can. (remove any spines if neccessary) then spread the wonderful green slime on your pets skin. This will help immensely. The plant in...
Easy Extra Mild Salsa Recipe?
diced ripe tomatoes diced onion chopped cilantro squeeze of lemon salt cumin dash or two of Tabasco for flavor, not heat
Freezing Mangoes?
Mangos freeze beautifully, just make sure you get as much air out of the bag as possible. You can use them later in your favorite baking recipes. They wont have the same texture as fresh, so they are best cooked, and not used in a salsa, etc. Enjoy!
Spring Afghan
This pattern is available from Bernat yarns website for free. Its called Lacy Ripple and was very easy to make. I took some creative license with it and added the dark contrast stripe, and made it bigger so both my hubby and I could snuggle under it! Thanks...
Allergy Friendly Punch Recipe?
You could try a pineapple based punch, or a tea based punch w/ lots of berries, etc. Have a fun party!
In Memory of Garfield (ThriftyFun Office Cat)
God Bless Garfield, and you for giving him such a loving home. No doubt that he has everyone at the Rainbow Bridge in line by now. :) How blessed are we to have shared our lives with a critter.
What Breed is My Dog?
She could have some Husky, fyi, Shepherds ears dont total stand till they are about 8 month old.
Can I Serve Banana Splits in Paper Hot Dog Boats?
Is there an ice cream shop in your area that would sell you just the bowls in the quantity that you need? Maybe a Dairy Queen or Frosty Freeze? The other suggestion would be to buy all different types of bowls at a thrift shop for practically nothing, and send...
Housewarming vs. Open House?
The difference between a house warming and an open house is a house warming is a party to celebrate a new residence. An open house would be an open invitation for a specific date to stop by anytime, as in a Christmas open house ...stop by when you can. I have...
A Simple Way To Conserve Water
We also keep a bucket in the shower to catch the cold water, great for watering plants, soaking clothes, washing the car. The list is endless.
Clearing Up a Long Neglected Yard?
If youre in the USA, check out this website www.hirepatriots.com Its lets you get in touch with a local military base in your area and look for someone who needs a little extra money for doing all types of things from yard work to painting and handyman, along...
Recipes Using Avocados?
California Grilled Chicken Marinate chicken breasts in some Italian Dressing, brown one side , turn over and place your avocado slices on the chicken. Place a slice of your favorite cheese over the avocado...Swiss or Jalapeno Jack. Turn heat down, add 1/4 cup...
Helping Hair Grow Longer?
First and foremost, you are a beautiful person! Dont ever let your outside take presidence over your inside. People will always remember a persons character and heart before they think whether they had nice teeth or eyes or hair. As for dealing with your hair...
Accent Wall Paint Color Advice?
Take pictures of all your artwork, then spread them on a table. Find the one color that stands out in all or a majority of the art. Youve just found the color for your accent wall! My mom was an interior designer who gave me this info.
What is Cilantro?
Should you not be able to get fresh cilantro, a handy substitute to keep on hand is cilantro cubes (like bouillon cubes) made by Knorr-Swiss. I dont get to the store but twice a month, so this is a great substitute when I need it. Dried cilantro is good, too...
Substituting Spaghetti Sauce for Pizza Sauce?
Actually, there are more herbs and spices in the spaghetti sauce vs. the pizza sauce. If you really want to save, grab a small can of tomato sauce and add your own touch of garlic, oregano and whatever suits your fancy.
Removing Stains on Vintage Wedding Gown?
Try working with the pattern by putting aplique or beads/sequins where the spots are if youre planning on wearing or using the dress again. You may also consider an overlay of lace to camoflauge any spots or patterns. Good luck!
Cooking Brown Rice in a Rice Cooker?
1 cup of rice + 1.5 cups of water 2 cups of rice + 3 cups of water 3 cups of rice + 4.5 cups of water
Turning Soap Slivers Into a New Bar of Soap?
Fold a washcloth in half and sew two of the three sides. Toss you soap slivers in there and use it as a self soaping scrubbie!
Food Ideas for a Reception for 100 on a Budget?
Not knowing what your budget is, if you opt for a mid morning reception, or mid afternoon, you could easily get by with just cake and punch. Remember, this is your day to celebrate, not go broke trying to impress people with food. Most of us are on diets anyway...
Instruction Manual for Sears Serger?
I agree with the previous post, check on the internet, and you should have no problem finding a post that will give you a manual that shows the threading. Having a Sears serger myself, I do give this piece of advise: get a long handled serger threader at any...
Filling Nail Holes in Wall
Another great hole filler in a pinch is white paste toothpaste! Colgate Total is perfect!
Preventing Mildew Smell on Clothes Left in Washer?
The best way to prevent that mildewy sour smell is to leave your washer door open for at least an hour after youre done. Let it air out well, and you will find what a big help that is. I hang a bright orange dish cloth on the door to remind me to close it later...
Choosing the Right Indoor Plants?
Philodendron meets your qualificantions and so does a plant called Mother-in-laws Tongue (also known as Sword Plant) both hold up to a bit of neglect, drought and low light.
Banana Peels for Roses
Didnt know this trick for roses, but Ive fed my Staghorn fern banana for years!
Where Can I Find the Germination Time for Garden Vegetable Seeds?
This information should be found on the back of your seed packet.
Rolled Brim Hat
I made this cute hat in just an afternoon. Will have to adjust for size next time, as the small was too large. Ive made some crochet flowers to decorate hat with. Thanks for the pattern!
Shopping for Sugar Free Frozen Limeade?
I dont know about a frozen s/f limeade, but I know that Wal-Mart has their Great Value brand of Crystal Light Lime/Margarita favor that is really tasty. And the price is under 2.50 for 3 gallons... you may want to try it.
Mother's Day Gift Ideas?
Nothing in the world would mean as much to any mother as to get a long, heartfelt letter telling her how much she means to you. Breakfasts, perfume, flowers, bath salts are all nice, but that heart to heart is what its all about. I wrote a long letter and sent...
Decorating A Barn For A Wedding Reception?
I cant imagine covering the beautiful lighting the slats of the barn walls make! What if you were to just hang drapes in the corners, then swags in between them? Also, if your reception will be running into the night, I would hang some clear xmas lights behind...
Traveling With a Cat?
I recommend that you have your kitty get used to the carrier you will be using along with the litter box etc. Have it out so shell get used to it. Go on small trips with her and the carrier, i.e. a drive around the neighborhood. Also, there are pheramone sprays...
Handmade High School Graduation Gift Ideas for Granddaughter?
Im over 50, but the two best graduation gifts I recieved are the ones I still have and use: a binder of original family recipes from my aunt, and a crochet blanket from another aunt. I keep both women close to me in memory when I dook a dish or cuddle in my...
Can I Buy a Knifty Knitter Instructional DVD?
Check out allfreecrochet.com website. Mikey does a great job showing all you need to get your projects going.
Source for Craft Dolls?
Try http://www.clotilde.com/list.html?criteria=dolls (copy and paste this to your browser) They have a good selection. Have fun!
What Breed is My Dog?
I see some Shar Pei in your puppy. Do some reading on the breed, as it is very protective. Along with any Bull Terrier mix, you might have your hands full with training. Good luck.
Removing Nicotine Stains from Window Frames?
Ive used Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) in the past, and it works like a charm. Read all directions, and use gloves. Will also clean grease off your stove and hood really well! Its available at hardware stores, usually in the paint dept.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for Dogs
Coconut can have laxitive effects on people and dogs, so not too much. I would try avocado for them.
Using Your Fireplace for Storage When Not in Use?
I would set a small storage shelf for some good spring and summer reading, along with a nice plant or two. This way you dont have too much worry when you want to go back to using as a fire place. I wouldnt want my pets getting into the habit of going in there...
Cleaning a Burnt Microwave?
I wouldnt use acetone around a heat source, that could be very dangerous! To remove odors, put a couple of tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl with a cup or two of water, and let it go on high for about 5 mins. This should help take the smell away. Remove...
What is This Houseplant?
I believe youve got a Cape Honeysuckle. A pretty hardy plant which if planted outside can get pretty big, but those lovely orange sets are so cheery and the hummers love them!
Remedy for Pets Dry Skin?
My friends two Shepherds had free reign all over the avocado orchard, youve never seen shinier coats! Many dog products have avocado in them just for that reason. Also remember if your four legger is in the house with you all the time, just like us, they get...
Recipes Using Ketchup?
Lucky gal! Youve now got base flavor for home made BBQ sauce you could make for Xmas gifts! Or make some relishes, toppings for meatloaf, stuffed cabbage, sweet onion sauce, the list goes on and on! Oh, and dont forget making a cake, using ketchup instead of...
Banana Peel Disposal
Got a garden? Toss those banana peels in there! The plants love the potassium! I always put a banana peel in my hanging ferns. Happy, happy!
Meat Loaf
Ive always put oatmeal in my meatloaf. It makes the meatloaf nice and hearty, and is a great binder.
Why Do My Chocolate Chip Cookies Turn Out Cake-like?
Are you adding too much levening? Baking soda or baking powder? Also, make sure youre not beating your eggs so much that you incorporate air into them. Good luck!
Donating Books to Charity?
Another place to donate is your local courthouse...Potential jurors wait around to get called and a few books are always appreciated.
Removing Shells From Hard Boiled Eggs?
I always do the first smack on the big end of the egg, then peel with a little water running. The water gets between the egg and the membrane, making it easier to peel.
Converting a Basement into a Bedroom?
Its like eating an elephant; one bite at a time! Ive been in your shoes, and my advice is to put on some upbeat music, and start with just one shelf, or one spot then go for it! Good luck!
Inexpensive Repair for a Sweatshirt with a Shrunken Neck Opening?
You could cut the ribbing out and make the neck opening larger and replace with new ribbing, bias tape, or a crocheted or knitted cowl neck.
Keeping Cats Off Counter Tops?
Try this...put cookie sheets and sheet pans on your counters, out over the edge of the counter. When your kittens try jumping up, they wont have footing, and the pans will fall on the floor, making loud noises that cats dont like. Ive had over 40 cats in my...
Removing Pickle Odor from a Jar?
A piece of charcoal will work, too. Mother used to put a small bowl of charcoal in the refrigerator in lieu of baking soda.
Items for an Adult Easter Basket Exchange?
A popcorn kit could be fun to put together, different types, assorted seasoning salts, an inexpensive bowl, and perhaps a vintage western or action flick that you can get for $5.
Reusing Leftover Soap Pieces?
Ive never melted soap ends, but what I have done is taken the ends and pieces and tied them up in a nylon mesh and made a scrubbie out of it. Its great and foams up like you wouldnt believe!
Shopping for Ham Flavored Soup Base?
In a pinch, try tossing in a smoked sausage into your bean soup. Great flavor! Or even better, a smoked ham hock or smoked turkey drum stick. There are so many things to make a great stock for bean soup!
Restoring Old Thread?
My suggestion would be to take all your spools and put them in a pillow case with a damp hand towel and put that in the dryer on low or air heat. Tie the pillow case closed with an old panty hose or such. Put in the dryer for about 10 minutes. This should tumble...
Hanging Curtains Without a Rod?
Go to the hardware store and check out the price of doweling, or if you need something that curves, check in the plumbing section for PVC pipes and their different joints. PVC can be painted, and drilled, is also very light weight.
Making Mailboxes for Residents' Rooms in Nursing Home?
Another idea would be to use old fashioned clothes pin bags. They hold lots of stuff, and can be made with any type of fabric to compliment the occupant. They are so easy to sew, or even non sew with stitch witchery bonding tape.