14th Birthday Party Ideas?
If your having a sleepover, make sure you have a scary movie to watch. Look on pinterest as far as menu, time, and venues go. Pinterest has everything! If you have any party stores, be sure to check there. They might have discounted halloween stuff that would...
Girl's 14th Birthday Party Ideas?
Honestly Ive been in your situation, but if your turning fourteen it seems very childish to have a theme party. The last time Ive had a theme party was probably when I was 9. So, yeah just pick a color and find matching stuff i.e. plates, napkins, tablecloths...
14th Birthday Slumber Party Ideas?
Hopefully this reply isnt too late. I would recommend doing nails, doing each others makeup. Ask your friends to bring a board game or something. Watch a movie. Have eating competitions, or whatever competitions. haha. Just do what girls your age do..Im going...
14 Year Old Emo Party Suggestions
Go to a skate rink! Sometimes they have lockdowns from 8pm to 11pm. So then your parents could drop you and your friends off, but at the same time they would feel like you were safe from any people who would do you harm, because it is a lockdown. No one would...