Leaving Roaches Behind When You Move?
Put some mothballs in your boxes as you pack them up and it will kill any roaches/eggs. Freezing weather will not affect them. They have been around for millions of years and can handle freezing weather just fine.
Stretching My Meager Dollars
Those are very good tips! I admire you single moms who are showing their children that frugal and thrifty are NOT bad words! As far as holes in socks have you thought about learning to darn? My mama taught me when I was very young (now 64) and the money it...
Remedy for Twitchy Legs?
It sounds like your doctor should have referred you to a specialist then. Something this serious really should not be played around with. If you are taking the strong pain pill Vicodin for it then it definitely needs to be investigated.
Tiling Between Counter and Window
I love this idea! It looks great and is unique. Love your garden window, too! I would love one in my kitchen too!
Dusting a Popcorn Ceiling
This was exactly the kind of info I was looking for! I made a mess in my kitchen on the ceiling with a broom trying to get a cobweb down out of one corner with my broom. What a mess! Thank you so much for this great idea! ;-) Thumbs up!
Heal Minor Burns Instantly With Soy Sauce
If you are diabetic or have have circulations issues of any kind, please do not try this.
Painting Over the Strips on Mobile Home Walls?
Yes you can! Our mobile homes walls have all been painted and we left the strips in place. In our former mobile home we took the strips off and filled and sanded the cracks with automotive Bondo...looked great! Since we are older now we dont have the energy...
Using Tide to Remove Moss on Roof?
First of all in order to grow moss the roof must be staying damp and dark so I would trim up any trees hanging over the roof, especially on the north and east sides. Second, moss requires an acid environment to live so your best bet would be to sprinkle some...
How to Grow Celery
Only suggestion I would make to this is the spring planting in the south. You would have to plant much earlier outside in the deep south where I live or they would fry.
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Ive been looking for a Cream of Mushroom soup recipe and this one sounds perfect! Thanks! I want to make a bunch of it and put it in containers for the freezer so I can grab one for recipes (or cuppa) to save some $$.
Wasp Sting Remedies Not Working?
Go to a health food store or one online and get the Homeopathic remedy Apis Mel (6x would be fine) and take one or two pillules every hour or two till you find relief. Should not take more than two or three doses. I keep this on hand all the time since I have...
Five Houseplants to Grow Just for Fun
Ive been doing this for years and it is a lot of fun when youre suffering the winter blahs to put some in your kitchen wndow and watch them grow. ;-)
My Frugal Life: A Life Without Financial Worries
Great advice! As a former frugal winner, I applaud you and your husbands wise choices for your life. It does make a difference in your later years as my hubby and I can attest to (retired but run businesses from our homestead). I hope you win! ;-)
Getting Rid of Flies in the House Naturally?
I tried duct tape out of desperation with no luck. I then took a jar and filled it an inch or two with water with a drop of dish soap and a piece of raw meat. All the flies went into the water and drowned.
Is A/C Condensation Water Safe for a Dog to Drink?
Not really. The water runs through aluminum fins and is filled with all kinds of pollution from that as well as the dust from the air which even a clean filter will not stop all. I would not allow my dogs do this. It is definitely not distilled!
Boric Acid for Killing Roaches?
I use the baits you can buy at the store. It is much safer and I find purchasing them only once a year is all I need to keep them at bay. Better safe than sorry, right? ;-)
Light Bulb Wall Vase
This is very pretty! It would be a great and attractive way to root cuttings like Coleus, etc. I would have to use my oven bulbs as we use CFLs everywhere else. Thanks so much!
Magazine Bead Jewelry
I dont make or wear jewelry but I think this idea would be wonderful to use in my mixed media paper mosaic art! Thanks for a great tutorial!
Male Cat Won't Pee in Litterbox?
I agree with Robyn Feds advice. I have a cat rescue and the first thing we do when receiving a rescue is a trip to the vet for a complete physical and shots and neutering/spaying. They also make some cat foods that are especially for cats who have a problem...
Troubleshooting a Pool Vacuum?
When was the last time you backwashed your pools sand filter? If the sand is filthy it will not vacuum up any more dirt. If you have never done this you can do a search on how to do it or go to the manufacturers website for instructions.
Fleas on Dog and Cats After Treating?
First, treat the outside of your yard with a spray meant to kill fleas. Spray especially well under porches, shrubs. You can buy a pump sprayer for mixing the correct amount and follow the manufacturers directions. Inside (and outside) you can use Diatomaceous...
Using Newspaper Against House Foundation as Weed Barrier?
It would work for a few years, but eventually it would break down and weed seeds would filter through the rocks and germinate in the decomposing newspapers. Better to use landscape fabric and not have to deal with the problem again.
Can I Spray Dry Wall Type Texture on Plaster Walls?
Yes, but you need to lightly sand first as the plaster is too slck and the drywall texture will not adhere well.
Troubleshooting an Ice Maker That is Not Making Ice?
The water line to the icemaker is probably clogged or even has frozen. Find where it is attached (you can look online for your make or your appliance booklet} and remove the tube, clean, or melt the ice buildup.
How Do I Know When to Dig My Potatoes?
As soon as you see the leaves start to die down you can start diggiing your potatoes.
Where Can I Get Oat Flour for Facial Masks?
It is ground up oatmeal. Just put about a cup of oatmeal in a blender or food processor and process until of flour consistency. Store in an air tight container.
Dry Your Own Celery Leaves
Cant believe I never thought of this! Great idea! Sometimes I will use celery seeds instead of celery but some people are turned off by something that looks like little bugs..LOL..I will definitely try this now. Thanks!
Adult Pads as Alternative to "Puppy Pads"
Great idea! As an owner of three dogs, one who had seizures and refused to be housebroken, I had to find a really inexpensive way to make some housebreaking pads. My answer was to just use old towels. I set them aside to lay down on the floor every day and...
Reuse Mayonnaise Lids For Opened Canning Jars
I have found that my mayo tops will no longer fit on my canning jars due to their having been shortened. Very frustrating since they were so good to reuse on my canning jars. :-(
Flatten Ground Beef Before You Freeze
I do the same here with the big rolls of ground chuck accept I cut each roll into ten chunks, place in a plastic grocery bag and flatten out then roll up the plastic bag around the meat into a neat, flat, pack and tape the handles down. I have a chest freezer...
"Whipped Cream" Substitute Topping
Make sure your eggs are pasteurized or you could end up with food poisoning.
Canning Spaghetti Sauce?
Many people freeze and then can a lot of their garden produce now. It allows you to do it when you have the time and inclination but Im not sure how well the water soluble vitamins hold up under those extreme conditions.
Sunken Beds for Arid Climates
These dont look like the sunken beds Ive seen in the arid west. They were really sunken!
Starting Seeds Cheaply
It would be really nice to have instructions for making this! Love it and the paint is so perfect! Kudos!
Disputing an Electric Bill?
Those average cost plans are not what they are cracked up to be. It doesnt allow you to watch your own electrical usage so you can be conservative, and if there is a problem with the meter you will never know it.
Frugal and Tightwad Living
Most states pay & have established rate schedules for Foster Care aid. The most recent I can find for Minnesota is 2008 with a rate of $585 - $699 per month, per child with extra expenses for extra events, so I beg the question, Why would you have to go to...
My Frugal Life: Advice From a Stay at Home Mom
Great article for young hopefuls. Please make sure that you read everything you can on farming/homesteading before you take this plunge. As a long time homesteader at 63, I started out just like you, young and hopeful and full of dreams. Many came true, some...
Reusing Plastic Containers For Freezing
I use them for saving leftovers. I cut up scrap paper and write the item and date and then glue it onto the lid with Elmers glue stick. It stays on very well and a little soaking later allows it to be removed so I can re-use the lid again and again. Ive had...