Painting a Room with an Accent Wall?
Draw a picture of your room with the colors you want to see what it will look like. There are also room decorating sites, think home depot has one.
Solar Night Lights
You can put regular batteries in your solar lights, and they will not have to charge, but will still come on at night.
Bobbin Trouble and Tension Problems?
There is a slot that the thread has to go through, make sure the thread is in there. This slot holds the thread, if it is not in the slot the bobbin will sometime hop around. Also try using the same thread in top & bottom.
Dog Biscuit Recipe?
My recipes call for baking and letting them dry over night, but I have found that the ones that have oil, and or eggs in them will get moldy if I do not keep them in the frig. Here are (2) you can try. Liver Snack 1 pkg. liver 1 cup wheat flour 1 cup cornmeal...
Small Flying Pin Size Bugs?
Sounds like fruit flies, they will be every where, put all your food away, and clean your sink.
Finding a Pro Bono Attorney?
I did my divorce Pro Se, I filed all the paper work at the court house my self. Look up Pro Se on line for your state. It should be free, mine was through the state. Than if she has to get a lawyer towards the end, all of the work has been done, it will not...
Possible Bed Bugs?
We were outside last week, and three of us got chigger bites, kinda looks like chicken pox on the ankle.
Creating Mementos from Funeral Flowers, Ribbons, and Baskets?
My heart goes out to you, and your family. Maybe you could make her a lamp by gluing the flowers and ribbons the the base, or a wall hanging with a dowel, hang the ribbons, glue the flowers on them. Glue the flowers on to one of the baskets, for a trinket collector...
Training a Dog Not to Bark?
I wish my sissy dog would let me know when someone is coming to my door, like all training you have to stop it every time till they learn. I trained with one or two word or commands, and sounds. When a cars passed us on the road I said car coming, and then...
Canning Beets?
If you want pickled beets, here is a easy how to. Wash jars and lids rinse let them sit in the hot water in the sink. Wash beets cut off ends cut into pieces microwave for about 1 to 2 minutes pack jars, add to each jar about a 1/2 tsp of mustard seed, 1/2...
Cleaning a Cloudy Glass Bud Vase?
I have hard water, and I use vinegar for everything, fill let sit over night.
Using Borax for Fleas?
So glad you posted this, as I to have 3 animal with fleas, I have tried every product. I have been vacing every day and spraying the carpet, flea check every day, poor moon has so much chemicals on her, that I am surprised she is not glowing. I am so going...
Remedies for Dog's Itchy Skin?
Every fall Zues comes home from his walk in the wet grass, and chews on his feet. He gets what they call red spot, they have a spray in the pet department for this. It stops the itch. Maybe this will stop the itch on the skin.
Freezing Potatoes for Hash Browns?
Yes, you can, but first you have to blanch them (cook in boiling water for 2 or 3 minutes, drain). This will keep them from turning brown.
Making Braided Rugs?
You have to cut strips. Sew them together to make three long strips, braid them, then stitch them together as you go around.
Rooting A Cutting From A Lilac Bush?
You dont bother with a cutting. I dont know if this is true or not but I took shoots from a friend, planted in 5 spots, and the one that did the best was the one I planted 2 together. Be careful if you weed and feed, I got to close to them and they turned black...
Rooting A Cutting From A Lilac Bush?
I am always taking cuttings from people, and have found that they only root at certain times, I think in spring, and you will need root starter.
Birthday Gift Ideas for 19 Year Old Boyfriend?
He sounds like a great guy, how about a small B-Day party with a couple of friends. everyone like a party. i know i do. I am turning 50 this year along with 3 of my friend. Oh Ya were having a party.
Should Parents Stay Out of Conflicts Between Their Grown Children?
In our family when someone starts to talk about the other one, we grab them and start to hug and kiss them telling them I love you, just being silly. Lighten up the moment, them change the subject quickly. (Oh ya, did I forget to tell u about bla bla bla!). If...
Paint Color to Coordinate with Red Furniture?
Yummy, yes black. White walls, use big pieces of art work with red and black in them. u want to draw the eye away from the walls.
What is the Best Way to Transport Small Berry Plants By Air?
When I order my plants on line they come dry, but I dont think 15 hrs is going to kill them. Take a look at the boxed plants at Walmart and what they are pack in.
How Do I Paint an Exterior Foundation?
Oh ya, foxrun is wright it will peel off and then you have more up keep on your home. But if you really have to paint, I used spray paint on my basement floor, holding up pretty good. Just dont put it on very thick, put on thin layers.
Reentering the Job Market?
Are you willing to start a day care, than you can still stay home for your children, and yes there are a lot of tax breaks. My sitter had to drive her kids to school, and she had to take my child in the car with her (claim the car).
Paint Color Advice for Kitchen and Adjoining Living Room?
I agree with italianswede a buttercream would be nice. On tv they tell you to look in your closet these are the color u like. They also say if you have two colors you should bring them into each room. I painted my kitchen an olive green, it brings the outdoors...
Can I Keep SSI and SSA Benefits When Enrolling in College?
Really redhatterb why do you have to say things like this. Stop judging people. It must be hard to be perfect.
Decorating an Ice Arena Ceiling for a Wedding?
May I suggest trying this on a small scale maybe the table cloths will look ok. 80 Ft is a lot to cover. If this looks ok Menards sells rolls of plastic 20x 10 for about $7.00. It is a great look hope every thing turns out for you.
Decorating an Ice Arena Ceiling for a Wedding?
I was looking at the ad on your page and you would have to use a lot to cover, so u dont see through to the high ceiling. Maybe u could use the table cloths or plastic for a fake ceiling, and than use the satin like the ad shows you. Than you could fill in...
Decorating an Ice Arena Ceiling for a Wedding?
I was just in my basement cleaning and found a bed canopy. I think I paid $20.00 for it (four sided, about 8x10 on each side) the only thing is it is lace. Think I got it from LTD (just a thought).
How Can I Make Wax More Flexible for a Design Project?
Try soy wax. It is much softer than pariffin, not sure if it will crack. Or you might want to try polymer clay. If you dont bake it all the way it will bend.
Snacks for a "Sweet" Themed Birthday Party?
Make some brownies and cut them out with cookie cutters decorate with frosting or sugars. Also try you-tube there are a lot of good videos on there.
Growing a Burning Bush?
I live in Wisconsin, and my bush only turns red in the fall, right before it goes dormant.
Frugal Wedding Reception Venues in Baltimore?
Try your smaller local churches, VFW post are pretty cheap to. smaller suburbs are cheaper. I live about 20 miles out of our big city. Go Packers! (LOL) We have a building called the barn, it is going to cost me $100.00 for the building, if I go into the city...
Reviews of the Ultimate Sweater Machine by Bond?
MCW is right I have one and it will knit, but when you take the knitting off it will roll up into a tube. You have to sew the ends to another piece to make it lay flat. if one of the needles bend it will start to miss stitches.
Planning a Wedding on a $1,500 Budget?
Try face book for bakers or decorations. I post all of my cakes I make, as well as one of my friends. Post a message, you will be amazed how many people do things that you might need. Someone might have some decorations you can use. You can also try youtube...
Asking a Guy to Prom?
Give him a card with the invite in it, this way he will have time to decide, and you wont be standing in front of him waiting for an answer. My son went with a girl that was just a friend.
Dry Dog's Belly with Sheet After Walk
Here is Zuess best friend Zena, she walks around the block with him every night.
Hydrogen Peroxide to Induce Vomiting In Pets
I trust my vet and would not do anything to harm my bast friend, but if anyone fells different about this please take your animal to the vet.
Embroidery Tips?
How quickly do you need this? I have a friend that has a machine i would be more than happy to get you a patch that you could sew on, if she has the design you want. e-mail me leekelly245 AT I check that more than thrifty.
Training a 5 Week Old Puppy?
I used a one word trigger every time I gave Zues a treat from my hand I said gentle. Now even small children can give him treats.
Remedies For Stinky Feet?
I read on thrifty that rubbing alcohol works for under arm odor, works great, might work for feet.
Birthday Party Locations in Richmond, VA?
I have the same problem, I might suggest to look to your suburbs, most smaller towns rent halls and parks for much less. As for a dj, they are two to three hundred dollars, so someone suggested to me to rent a system that u can plug your IPod into. This is...
Donating Gifts to Needy Children?
Read the answer on triftyfun, there are a few in need. Kudos to you and a pat on the back.
Nu-Wave Oven Pro Roast Beef Instructions?
I have all of the booklets that came with the new-wave if you would like copies contact me.
Can I Paint Microfiber Furniture?
You could try diluting your fabric paint with water and putting in a spray bottle, but if it is not a natural fabric that Die might not hold on to it.
Themes for a 13th Birthday Party?
A masquerade party sounds like fun, reminds me of Mardi Gras. Color, color, color. .I use tablecloths from the dollar store to cover and hang for my Halloween party. For decorating you could buy PVC pipe painted gold or bold colors and fill them with tree branches...
Thrifty Food Ideas For Wedding Reception?
Red foods and soups are not a good thing when your guests are dressed in their good duds.
Spray Foam on a Microfiber Coach?
Acetone melts styrofoam it is the active ingredient in nail polish remover. Try this but use a q-tip start small. The foam will not melt away it will turn into a wet ball of goo.
Frugal Homemade Gift Ideas?
Home made jelly buy the pectin follow the direction for jelly, but instead of fresh juice buy the frozen canned mix and use the amount called for. So for about $20.00 you can get about 24 jars. Everyone like jelly. Cover the lids with some fabric.
Removing Dried Concrete from Vinyl House Siding?
I feel your pain the same thing happened to me. I did not want to scatch the sideing so I tryed a wooden spoon, NO that did not work, Your not going to like this but the only thing that worked was my finger nail. Later I talked to a friend that works with concrete...
Craft Ideas for Plastic Powdered Drink Mix Containers?
Ive seen pvc pipe glued together on a yard show they filled them with dirt and put flowers in them. they stood it up right like a wall. it looked pretty cool. (plastic containers instead of pvc) I never thought of that I might have to try this my self.
Hard Water Stains on Auto Glass?
Vinegar. I use it in my dishwasher and on my stainless steal sink. What a difference!
Inexpensive Girl's 7th Birthday Party Ideas?
Blow up your balloons and rub them on her head the static. It will make them stick to the ceiling.
Sources for Free Copper Wire for Crafts in Edinburgh?
Have you checked your local home improvement store in the electrical section? Depending on the gauge you want there is copper wire inside of extension cords. I take a razor blade and run it along the cord it pulls right out.
Cleaning Grout?
Dont clean it. Paint it. Go to the hardware store in the tub and tile section. They have paint in a bottle that has a roller on it. I think it worked great. And it stayed on a long time.
How Do I Make a Waterproof Coaster Out of Cardboard Blanks?
You need to polyurethane them. Paint it on and let it dry. Sand lightly, then repeat this step at least 3 times. They will come out really smooth, like glass, it is the same way you would do a piece of wood.
Locating a Christmas Charity to Support?
I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin, and we (our Harley group) give toys to the kids at our childrens hospital.
Dog Names?
Your post made me laugh to myself. There was a lady that let her kid name the dog (weiner). Later I asked her if she realized that she would be yelling this down the street.
Purchasing Tickets to Disney World?
Not worried so much about getting tickets, Its just that Florida resident tickets are so much cheaper. Just trying to save a buck.
Making Furniture for an American Girl Doll?
Check out youtube (look for miniatures that you could resize) lot of great videos.
Removing Streaks On Hardwood Floors?
I used to clean for a woman that had tile that was not sealed, after mopping I would throw an old clean towel on the floor and dry it lightly by standing on it and just move it around with your feet.
Keeping Onions Crisp When Pickling Them?
Most recipes tell you to cook the veggie in the brine, I put them in raw. I warm my veggies just enough so the brine stays hot enough to seal the jar, also soak your jars and lids in hot water. the trick is to have everything warm so your jars will pop. (seal...
Covering Your Walls With Fabric?
This is a great way to cover up blah walls. I did this on a painted wall and removed it when I sold my house. the faberic starch stays in the fabric and not on the wall, when you remove the fabric it will be stiff from all of the starch. Just wash and use again...
Making an Inexpensive Cat Costume?
A black jogging suit, stuff it with news paper to make him a big fat black cat. Add a head band with some ears added, make a tail add a puffy ball to the end, and dont forget to put a collar with some ID tags on him. You could also get him a rubber mouse. This...
"Christmas In The City" Parade Float Ideas?
Sounds like fun! There is the old according tissue flowers, or cut squares of tissue paper in red end green put on the end of a pencil and glue it to cardboard tie it to a trailer put your city emblem in the middle. Would so love to see it Please post a picture...
Removing Wrinkles from Permanent Press Clothes?
Ouch, try to iron them with a wet cloth this will steam the fabric not to hot. Try a small spot first to see if this will work on the fabric
Planning a Harvest Festival For a Church?
Plastic water bottles are good for ball toss or duck pin bowling, add a little something in the bottom. Matchbox car races. Card board painted like a football field for bean bag throw. Have a miniature hole in one. There is always draw a hand turkey, or decorate...
Cat Isn't Consistently Using Cat Box?
Hi suzyq82. Not sure if this will help. My cat Moon will cry if her cat box is used too much. I have two cats. I went to the clump litter. I love it there is hardly any smell. I bought a plastic bin that is about two feet high, and I keep it almost half full...
Old Doll's Rubber Legs Are Sticky?
You can try Goo Gone. It is great for removing the glue from labels on jars.
Bridal Shower Etiquette?
by: leekelly I dont know about anyone else but my mother had my bridal shower at her house, and in the last 20 years I have not heard any comments that it was wrong for her to do.
Plastic Headlight Covers Aren't Clear Anymore?
We tried a product from the auto store, kinda worked but not all the way clear. I suggest you go with Anna Parker.
Decorating a Baby's Room on a Budget?
If you can find Mickey fabric, glue it on the wall with fabric starch and paint a frame around it. Later you can just peel it off.
Bedroom Paint Color Advice?
Instead of painting the walls hang a black sheet, this way you can add anything to it without damaging the walls. Try pleating it before you hang it, this will make the room cozy. Add silver to your black, this will lighten things up a little. If you are allowed...
Ice Maker Does Not Work After Changing Water Filter?
My ice maker has an on/off button that I have to reset every now and then. I have to turn it off then hold the button down for a few seconds.
Work From Home?
Hi Denise. You might try making something that you can sell to small shop owners. For example, I make jewelry and take it to small boutiques that buy it outright from me. Look around at the shops; what are they selling, get some ideas.
Choosing Flooring and Countertops to Coordinate with Light Cabinets?
We redid our kitchen cabinets with light oak and installed a dark wood floor. I then went with a medium shade of gray with speckles for the counter top. From floor to ceiling dark, light, dark, and light. I love it.
Inexpensive Backsplash Ideas?
Oh, if you are going with the white washed cabinets you should go with a medium to dark colored brown to make it look like the wood planks of a ship. There is a tool out there that makes paint look like wood, I suggest making it look like tong and grove. Or...
Paint Color Advice for Accent Walls?
The bed wall needs to be the focus of the room, so you need to go bolder on that wall. I would try to go 1 or 2 shades darker than the other three walls. Or paint it the same color and wash it with a darker color pink. You can always paint some kind of wave...
$1500 Wedding Budget?
Hi Swan. It can be done, here are a few suggestions: Sheets from Walmart for tablecloths (covered with sheers give a dramatic look), or glue some flowers on them. Wild flowers are free. Bake small cakes. $1.00 for a box cake and a $1.00 for the frosting, add...
Grape Soda Stain on Carpet?
8/19/2010 Try Woolite pet stain & odor remover + oxygen. (it removes the color from the stain) I have only used for pet stains, but it works great. I spray it on pretty heavily then cover it with a white cloth that is very wet and hot. I did get red wine out...
Painting Faux Tile Wall Paneling in Bathroom?
Coque has the right answer, it is the only way to hide the seams, by adding a textured design.
Homemade Frozen Hash Browns?
I shred my potatoes and put them in salted cold water, then I blanch them for about a minute in boiling water, drain and freeze.
Add Vegetable Oil to Hard Boiled Eggs
Great tip, my eggs are always hard to peel, cant wait to try. There is nothing worse than an egg that wont peel.