Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
Your dog looks like what a puppy pitbull should look aint mixed with a lab or German shepherd.most mixed breeds wont have that short fine hair that a pitbull has.keep feeding him real good and lost of exercise and love.
Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
I see no lab or German shepherd in your dog.i see putt can always tell by the hair.real short and fine.your got a pitbull puppy.lots of food and exercise and love will bring out the best in your dog.injoy cuz your in for a fun ride ride.if youve owed...
Is My Dog a Full Blooded Pit Bull?
After seeing the rest of your pics its plain to see you got yourself a very good look in pitbull puppy.nice big feet to grow into hes a good looking pit.dont let anybody tell you other wise.