Keeping Bugs Off Summer Squash Without Pesticides?
Try a mixture of liquid dish soap (perhaps 1/2 cup) to a gallon of water. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray over the leaves of your plants. Works well for me.
What is This Plant?
This is a speckled begonnia (common name, elephants ear or angels wings). They usually get blossoms on them once a year.
Getting Rid of Weeds Without Herbicides?
Two years ago I used a mixture of household ammonia and water, worked amazingly well. First I pulled all the weeds and piled them in a compost style heap. Then I poured the ammonia/water mixture on them. Within 2 weeks the weeds including crab grass were all...
Hand Pollinating Melons?
Use a small artists paint brush. Brush over the male flower followed by a brushing on the female flower. This will pollinate the female flower and should work to provide fruit.
Composting in a Plastic Bin?
Another point, moisture must be allowed to drain through composting material into the ground. Otherwise you will end up with unwanted smelly mould/mildew in your compost material.