Removing Odors from Microwave?
White vinegar will work, too. Place 1 cup each of vinegar and water in a 1 quart microwavable glass measuring cup and micro on high for 5 minutes. Carefully remove the container, it will be hot! Wipe down the walls with a dry cloth. The vinegar smell will be...
Fixing Separated Planks on Laminate Flooring?
If youre talking about the planks separating at the ends, you can use the heel of a rubber-soled shoe you are wearing, to kick it back into place, eliminating the gap (you may have to do this for each plank in the row). Then, where the floor meets the wall...
How Much Does House Cleaning Cost?
I used to have a house cleaning business, and I would like to respond to one of the posters who had her house cleaned in 4 hours for $100. At the end of the post she mentions that the woman that cleaned it had one other person with her, so in fact, it took...