Keeping Overdue Bills from Going to Collections?
I disagree. If the payment is not the agreed on amount Ive seen accounts go to a collection agency. Some think they can pay $1.00 a month and avoid collection, and it doesnt work that way. If the amount is somewhere near the agreed amount the business will...
Getting Rid of Mice?
You can try every remedy everyone suggests but until you plug up the hole where the mice get in, you will not solve your problem. Find that hole and plug it with steel wool, or something that mice will not eat and your solution is accomplished.
Reusing the Sticky Flexible Adhesive Used in Mailings?
It can anchor nicknacks on a shelf, or be used on the back of pictures so they hang straight on the wall.
6 Year Old Daughter Won't Wear Underwear at Home?
Who is in charge at your house? If you cant get a 6 year old to do what you tell her, what will you be able to do at 16? I think you need to get a firmer grip on discipline. Maybe check out a book or two from your library on discipline for kids. Obviously you...
Ideas for Christmas Party Activities?
Id go to my local library and ask if they had a book of games. Usually they do and you can get all kinds of ideas.
Removing Blue Fabric Softener Stains from Colored Clothing?
Amway has a product that will remove dye that has transferred to another garment, as long as you have kept it wet. I cannot remember which product it is but an Amway distributor should be able to tell you. It really works.
Cleaning Hardwood Floors With Murphy's Oil Soap?
I wouldnt recommend it either if you think you might ever want to refinish the floors. They will absorb oil and not absorb the stain you put on.
Getting Rid of Mice in the Kitchen?
The cincher comes after you catch them in the traps. Find where they are getting in and plug any holes they might squeeze through. Otherwise you will have this happen again and again.
Remedy for Thin Brittle Nails?
Gelatin capsules, which can be bought at any drug store really help. It will take time though for anything to work. A bottle of the capsules is usually around $5.00. But you will need to take them for several months. Dont expect immediate results.