Garnishing Student Loans for Back Child Support?
Rethink using your student loan money to pay bills. Just today I read where an athlete got in trouble for using scholarship money to start a business. I would think as, this is a federal government thing, that the penalty for misusing the federal funds could...
It's A New Year, Donations Needed
What do you do when you donate exactly what an organization requests and the next day you see those same items in their re-sale store. That is enough to turn anyone off believing in these places. Should they be reported? Case in point: Needed School Supplies...
Link: Shop With iGive To Donate To Charities
Another good link for giving to non-profits. You dont even have to spend money, just click. You can support any or all seven organizations. You may have to copy and paste this link.
Websites Offering Free Computer Software Classes?
Have you checked with HP Learning Center i.e. Hewlett Packard? They have some great programs for free Try the above link.
2010 Phone Scam Warning
The IRS and SSA have already put notices in our local paper stating that they do not ask for your information on the phone or by e-mail. Please take all precautions before giving out information. Dont fall for the 800 # that they give you, it re-directs you...
Photo: Papa's Hands
Is this supposed to be a real picture or an overlay? It appears that you can see the rest of Papas hands through the childs. If it is an overlay, could you post on here how that is done? Thanks
Keeping Trash From Smelling
I keep a spray bottle containing bleach by the inside garbage can. Spray the bag before closing.
Controlling Seafood Smells In Garbage
I live in the south and use seafood a lot. My trick is to put them in a plastic grocery bag, spray insides with purex and then tie it up. No problem with smells then. Shirley
Moving to Alabama?
South Alabama is the greatest place to live. Born and raised here, moved to MS for 14 years and have been back for 6 years. It is true there are still some prejudices, but you will find that every where you go (especially in the north). I have been from CA...
Paying for a Tummy Tuck?
How much is this surgery going to cost without the insurance? Interested because I too need this done. Just havent yet gotten up the nerve to check into it. Exercise that may help would not work, as I have collapsed vertebrae and cant seem to do the exercises...
Organizing Your Home?
Another great site is: You can get a great intro package and it is free. Good luck. Shirley
Pharaoh Ant or Sugar Ant Pest Control
try Googling Dr. Myles Bader, I found quite a number of his books: 1001 All Natural Secrets to a Pest Free Property by Dr. Myles H. Bader 20001 Kitchen Secrets by Dr Myles Bader,%20Myles
Websites For Identifying Antique Markings?
Here is a site I found on Google Shirley
Saving Money on Grilling
I love to grill, but have one of the butane grills. How can I get that good old smoky flavor of grilling with a charcoal grill? Thanks, Shirley
Halloween Alternatives
We usually take our children to the local nursing home. The owner/operator has all the residents that are able lined up around the walls of the hall with goodies to give. Not only do the children get their treats, the residents have a great time giving them...
Making a Long Bed Skirt?
A little off the subject of the bed ruffles, would like to know where you purchased the bed elevators? I would love to use my bed for under-storage, but it is too low. Thanks Shirley
Eagle Quilt
Highlight pic right click and Save pic as (you name it) Go to start, my pictures, find picture, open and use the enlarge button It is even more beautiful when seen in a close-up Shirley
Sale Items That Have Run Out
The powers that be at Family Dollar arent that generous. At least not in my little town. They send out flyers on Wed. or Thurs. that start on Monday! Then when you go, their response is, oh, were out of that. When questioned about the ad and why it is sent...
Sale Items That Have Run Out
In my previous post, I should have stated, the sales started on the PREVIOUS Monday, before I receive the sales flyer Thanks
Thermal Paper Receipts and Faxes
Yes, especially the ones from auto parts houses that give lifetime warranties on parts (if they even still do that). After only a couple of months you cant read anything on them. Pretty convenient for them, if you ask me. Experience, lifetime starter went bad...