Jacket Made from Towels?
You will most likely have to find a pattern that is similar to the jacket you had years ago. If it is terrycloth material that the jacket was made out of, you can find it at a fabric store or if not in season, see if they can order some for you. If you are...
Hysterectomy Advice
I gained a lot of information from a website called Hystersisters.com. I strongly encourage you to go to this website and become aquainted with the steps/follow-up involving this procedure. You can then post your experience and questions about this operation...
Help Doing Things Opposite Handed?
Try to contact an Occupational Therapist in your area and they may be able to give you some handouts on performing one-handed techns. This is an area they specialize in. You could also try some google searching as well. Have your family/friends help you with...