Weaning 5 Week Old Puppies?
We had Dalmatian puppies~4 litters. The mom would get to the point she would get up to stop the puppies from nursing. We then bought a box of baby cereal to get them use to texture foods at around 3 weeks of age. The cereal was mixed with 2% milk warmed a little...
Weaning 5 Week Old Puppies?
We always used powdered baby cereal before we went to puppy chow. We used 2% milk to make a soupy mixture. Do you use warm water to soften the puppy food? I would think that would help also. We had 4 litters of Dalmatians a few years ago.
Shopping for Face Paint?
Why not make your own? 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 1/2 teaspoon water, 1/2 teaspoon cold cream, and food coloring. In each cup mix the ingredients. Add a drop or two of food coloring a different color for each cup. Stir and paint to the delight of children and their...
Freezing Sliced Cheese?
I freeze cheese slices all the time. When the cheese is getting low in the refrigerator, I just pull the frozen cheese out to thaw in the refrigerator and then its ready to use when needed.
Juicing Grapes for Making Jelly?
Using google type in wild mustang grape jelly. It will take you to a list of websites. One of them is gardenstew.com where you will find a step by step recipe from others who make jelly from these grapes. Ive only made it with concord grapes in the past. Homemade...
Inexpensive Alternative to Satellite TV Service?
We live in a rural area and use a tower antenna. We dont pay anything for our tv.viewing. We get about 15 different channels. Although they are affected by the weather and if a airplane flies over. We had to buy the converter boxes but applied for the government...
Circuit Breaker Trips But Power Is Still On
A 2 pole breaker is only supposed to be on a 220 appliance. Your room is wired improperly. It is possible that part of the room is on another breaker.
Panasonic TV Only Lasted Three Years?
I am not familiar with this tv but you may find assistance online by doing a search. I have helped other people with problems with tvs. Their tvs were not panasonic. They had a 55 inch tv that wouldnt power on. We spent $7.97 for fuses and the tv works great...
How Do I Remove Dish Soap from the Dishwasher?
If you are able to scoop any of the excess dish soap out I would do so. Otherwise, vinegar will neutralize the soap.Basically take away the bubbles out of the soap. You also can use vinegar in the rinse aid dispenser. I put it in there full strength. Much cheaper...
Buying Silk Wedding Flowers?
I got my daughters wedding silk flowers at Jo Ann Fabrics. We had burgundy roses full bloom and buds that were so real looking that people were trying to smell them! If you can catch a sale on their flowers makes it well worth it. I thought they were beautiful...
Wrinkles on My Wedding Dress?
I was surprised when I took my daughters wedding dress to the cleaners. They told me it could be washed in the washing machine. Now, Im sure you need to look at the material of your dress to make sure it can be washed. I used cold water and then hung her dress...
Getting Dogs to Stop Marking Territory?
I do not think it will help if you get your dog neutered for the above reason. We had our jack russell/ terrier mix dog fixed at a very early age. (Maybe 2 mos. old) and he still marks his territory everywhere he goes!
Setting Up a PayPal Account?
You have to have a card to set up a account. I have had my account hacked into twice. It was always someone from overseas. I dont know how they got my number but both paypal and my bank helped me with the process. The last one they tried to get a western union...
Caring for a Dog and Her Puppies?
We used a kiddie swimming pool for our Dalmatian puppies when they were born. It worked out well due to the sides being tall enough and plenty of room for sometimes up to 13 babies. I believe the mother instinct kicks in when the babies are born. Let mother...
When Can I Start Feeding a Puppy Solid Food?
We use to breed Dalmations and had about 5 litters altogether. The mom has a way of weaning her puppies. Just like babies you can tell if the puppies are getting enough to eat. I would usually start the puppies at 4 weeks with baby cereal, 2% milk, and puppy...
Can You Dry Clean Couch Cushions?
I have taken off cushion covers and washed them in the washing machine in cold water. Depending on what your fabric is it cleans and freshens the cushions. I then let them air dry so they wont shrink.
Cat Peeing In Same Spot?
I have always been told if the cat doesnt go in their litter box they have a medical condition. Or if you have than one cat to have the same amount of litter boxes.
Plant Recommendations for a Hot Sunny Entryway?
I would use petunias. If you snap out the dead ones when they wilt the plant will explode and be quite colorful and fill up a container in no time. I live in the country without any windblock and I use petunias also for that reason.
Wedding Reception Decoration Ideas?
We did this at my daughters wedding reception. We used different size frames and put pictures of the bride and groom as they were babies and growing up. I thought it personalized things. We just put ivy and clear lights on the tables with them. Dont think this...
Squirrel Eating Tree Bark?
We had trouble with a ground hog literally tearing up the concrete floor in one of our outbuildings. We usedfox urine. It comes in a small brown bottle usually in the hunting section. You can find this at a Rural King or outdoors store I suppose. We used cotton...
Dye Stains in Dryer?
I would think either alcohol or hair spray. I know hair spray will remove ink. What about buying the dye remover that Rit makes and use it to clean your dryer? Just a thought.
Substitute For Buttermilk?
One recipe I have uses buttermilk. I always just add 2 Tbsp of vinegar to the milk.
Insurance Coverage for Older Car?
It is not necessary to have full coverage insurance. You can drop your coverage to PLPD (personal liability & property damage) but it would make it so if you have a wreck and its your fault, your car would not get fixed but insurance would still fix the other...
Restoring the Nap on a Microfiber Couch?
Have you tried using a hairbrush with the plastic bristles? I know it brings the nap up on carpet. Just make sure that the brush has the tips on the ends of the bristles so it wouldnt do damage. Hope this helps.
Inexpensive Vet Care Near Baldwin, NY?
I dont live anywhere near New York but in Indiana we use country vets or check with the local animal shelter. Our animal shelter did a check up and year ly vaccinations for 1/2 of what our normal vet charges. When I called to set up to get my dogs shots with...
Ideas for Diaper Gifts?
Sock roses or washcloth roses are very cute. You can also make a motorcycle with diapers. Just google or do ask.com and step by step instructions will be found. I made all of these things for my daughters baby shower. We didnt buy any of the decorations for...
Creamy Peanut Butter Pie?
Im sure there are many different ones. I use a graham cracker crust. In small bowl mix 1/3 cup creamy p.butter with 1/2 cup powdered sugar. Use a fork to make this mixture become crumbs. Put 1/2 mixture in pie crust. Then mix one box of instant vanilla pudding...
Puppies Have Soft Stool?
The mother will slowly stop nursing her puppies to wean them. At that time, is when I usually used baby cereal watered down with milk. Then, I would add some dogfood also softened with milk on a pie plate so they could get use to thicker food. I thought of...
Getting Rid of Groundhogs?
Youre going to think this is crazy but, go to a store like Big R, Rural king, etc. that sells hunting supplies. Buy a bottle of fox urine. Take it home a put on some cotton balls and place inside a knee hi pantyhose or something like that. I suppose a pillow...
Weight Gain After a Hysterectomy?
I had endometriosis also and had a hysterectomy. I was able to keep my ovaries so I havent had to take any hormones. I havent gained any weight at all. The best advice someone gave me, was to listen to your body after the surgery. If you are tired then rest...
Waxing Hardwood Floors?
I used gym floor finish on my hardwood floors. I bought it at a janitor supply business. It is like a poly product. I used a lambs wool pad to apply it. I suppose you could make a mop for it by using a microfiber cloth tied on a stick. Lambswool pad was not...
Gift Ideas For Harley Lover?
I dont know if your dad had a harley in the past or if he likes a certain style but you can get custom clocks and other items made. My brother in law totally re-did a harley and I got ahold of a picture when he was done. On ebay there are different sellers...
Daughter's First Car Advice
One year we wrapped up key rings with the keys to our kids 4 wheelers under the Christmas tree. They were 6 & 8 years old and said Oh neat key rings. Then, we took them outside to the patio to see their new prizes. I have pictures of them jumping up and down...