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3 Comments | Active Since 2016
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Glue on Bamboo Flooring?
If your bamboo is urethane finished, stay away from mineral spirits, or anything with heavy chemicals. They will remove the finish, which is what happened to me. I have solid strand espresso colored bamboo. I am at a loss as to how to get rid of the smudges...


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Glue on Bamboo Flooring?
I was told by the manufacturer of the bamboo floors that I bought that you should never use Murphys Oil Soap on the floor if it has a urethane finish.


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Glue on Bamboo Flooring?
I was going to try the Minwax Floor Reviver, but the manufacturer of the bamboo flooring said that you never use wax on a urethane finished floor. It looks like Im back to point zero. I notice that most of these posts neglect to say whether the finish is wax...



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