Olive Oil Stain on Clothing?
My mother used to own a drycleaners. Whenever someone brought something in with any kind of oily stain/spot on it. We gently scrubbed the spot with a soft nail brush and liquid sunlight dish soap, then laundered as normal. (also works great on dirt on mens...
Cleaning a Wedding Dress at Home?
My mother has owned a drycleaners for 10 years. Only once did she ever dry clean a wedding gown. 99.99% of dresses are completely washing machine cleaned. Dry cleaning with completely destroy the gown. So be leery if you do take it somewhere and they tell you...
Safely Trimming Dog's Nails?
I have a dog (Dana) with ONE white nail, the rest are black. I am terrifiedto trim her nails after I nipped her quick once, and of course it bled. I have read many books and articles on the web how its so easy to stop the bleeding with corn starch or quick...
Indestructible Dog Toy Ideas?
Thank You everyone. All your suggestions are amazing. I am definitely going to try them for sure. There she is. Pug/American Bulldog. You would never guess thats what she is.
Dryer Left Dark Spots on Clothes?
Fabric softener is made with animal fat, thats what makes them soft, and if you notice after folding a bunch of laundry your hands are slippery, and you end up dropping items by then end. I know this because my family has owned a dry cleaners and laundromat...
Tape Residue on Scissors?
Crazy as it sounds, I cut double sided tape all the time. I take a piece of the same tape. and dab/pull it off. Like removing lint from a sweater. You do have to press dab more firmly. The residue will bond with the tape more then stay on your scissor blades...
Give a Dry Cleaning Certificate for a Wedding Dress
Just a note. 99.9% of wedding gowns cannot be drycleaned. It would completely destroy the dress. So the $200.00 you think your paying for drycleaning, the cleaner is scrubbing the soiled spots with dish soap, throwing it in a normal double loader washing machine...
Asking My Mom To Let Me Shave?
I asked my mom how old she was when she first started shaving. Dont be scared. Youll never believe it, but she was a teenager at one time. I used to wear really baggy t-shirts as a kid. I developed before the other girls in my 5th grade class. After my best...
Whitening A Yellowed Wedding Dress?
My mother owned a dry cleaners/laundromat. When a wedding dress came in, into the double front loader it went. If you put it in a top loader the agitation will ruin it. Then she hung it up to dry. My own wedding gown was a monster, weighing almost 15lbs (not...