Straw Hat Snowman
Sandy, Totally awesome! What a perfect craft for young crafters, such as Scouts, to do for a nursing home or for childrens hospital unit for on the doors. And, of course, to do for at home too. Keep sharing those good ideas!!!
Sippy Cups for Sick Children
My youngest (father of 2) son brought me a nonspillable sippy cup when I was in the hospital following knee replacements, one on Wed. and the next the following Mon. I was not moving much and this was very, very much appreciated!
Christmas Gift for Boyfriend Who Likes to Build Things?
I dont know what your boyfriend likes to build, but my husband always liked to get different types of wood clamps, C-clamps, etc., in various sizes for his wood projects. Home Depot or Lowes or some such store should be able to advise you. Merry Christmas!
Practice "Stranger Danger" With Your Children
My 5-1/2 year old granddaughter and I were on our way shopping. As we drove along, I talked to her about strangers and asked her if she knew what to do. When she told me she would scream, I ask her to show me how. If she was in one room and I was in the next...
Easy Caramel Pie
I remember my Mom making an angle food cake and then boiling a can of sweetened condensed milk for a long time. She would then pour this over the cake. It was delicious. She did this for my birthday. I dont think Ive had this in at least 55 or more years. I...
Spending Money on Things You Don't Need?
How about taking a limited amount of money and go on a shopping spree at a dollar store? Or clean out a closet or drawer and see what you can donate to an organization, nursing home, etc.
Is the Stuffing in a Stuffed Animal Harmful to My Dog?
I never had trouble with the dog eating the stuffing but I did have to watch for google or button eyes, etc. so she wouldnt eat those. After the mess is cleaned up, the dog still liked playing with the toy, especially if we put a small biscuit-type treat down...
How I Save Money By Keeping a Clean House
I hate clutter -- but it is so hard to get rid of. All my clutter turns into treasures when I go to throw it away, except the really awful stuff like Junk Mail and I hate those jobs. I really do appreciate your tip about hanging curtains on different windows...
Cute Jeans Purses
Hey, doesnt every well-groomed dog need an especially pretty purse to carry to a show? LOL I can understand why she had trouble choosing. They both are very nice. Wis. Judy
Numbering Puzzle Pieces for Easier Sorting
Thanks for a great tip. Will definitely use this one. Wis. Judy
Use Lemon Juice In Glazes
One of my very favorites is a lemon glaze on angle food cake. It is absolutely delicious (and this from a chocoholic!). Wis. Judy
Keepsake for Mother's 90th Birthday?
My mother spent her last couple years in a small, friendly nursing home. One time the activities director had the residents make their hand print (I assume it was blue finger paints or tempra paint or some such type). It was made on a cream-colored sheet of...
Be Thrifty in the Kitchen With Eggs
When I am home alone, I often scramble a couple eggs in the microwave. I use 2 eggs, about 2 Tbls. of milk, salt, pepper, and -- to make it special -- I often add some Hormel Real Crumbled Bacon bits. Mic for about 50 secons; stir well; and mic another 10-15...
Top Shelf Rule
What a GREAT idea. Wish I had heard it 40 years ago. I too tried to have at least one extra of nonperishable items on hand. However, I had three boys, plus a husband, who were supposed to tell me when they took the LAST of something. You can guess how that...
Old Fashioned Soda Fountain Treats (Part 2 -...
Dear Editor: I remember walking downtown on warm. sunny days to the Corner Drug Store to get a double decker ice cream cone -- one scoop of chocolate and one scoop of butterscotch revel. Whatever happened to butterscotch revel ice cream?? I believe they cost...
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for a Mom in a Nursing Home?
My Mom has always liked to do craft work. However, as she aged, her hands were very shaky. I found that she really enjoyed those velvet posters that come with a small package of colored markers to paint the poster. The velvet hides any shaking (out of the lines...