Removing Make Up?
Every night I use Aloe Vera Gel that is in a pump (Walgreens- one squirt for each eye) and I also buy the the inexpensive cotton squares from the dollar store. This removes my eyeliner and waterproof mascara with such ease and it lasts for months. Pam from...
Tabitha's Deer Party
So sweet! Tabitha looks like she has a wonderful life (just like our Kitty-11yrs old)! It seems the older they get, the more attached to us they get. Thanks for sharing! Pam from MN
Fried Potato Skins
Great advice. This tip is so useful and I hate throwing anything away, typically most people put their potato skins in the compost, since I dont do this, this is a much better idea for me. Thanks for the info.
Dryer Sheets In Place of Potpourri and More
Great tips!! I have another one, dryer sheets are excellent on removing hard water spots on the glass shower and tile!!! Just wet, clean and rinse. No scrubbing required! Thanks, Pam from MN
Uses for Flower Tubes?
Just too cool! I was expecting this request to be in the Lonely Request topic and was amaze to find some wonderful tips (keep them coming if there are any more). Thanks, Pam from MN
Foam Meat Trays For Stopping Drafts
What a wonderful tip. I have bought the outlet insulators in the past, but not anymore. Thanks for the great info! Pam ;-)
Freezing Meat Without Freezer Burn
To prevent freezer burn to meat, put a thin coat of oil prior to freezing. Pam from MN.