Grease Stain on Cotton Shorts?
Pour some half ammonia/half water on the stain then rub stain thoroughly with Fels-Naptha soap. Roll them up and let them soak for 30 minutes, then toss in the wash and wash as usual.
What is a Roth IRA?
A Roth IRA may or may not be your best bet. You need some good financial advice from a professional. Your bank will probably have an investment advisor. Make an appointment and get some advice and education and get started on a retirement plan before its too...
Ring Around the Tub?
Assuming this ring is a calcium or other mineral deposit I would suggest Bar Keepers Friend. Scrub with a plastic scrubber. This is the best cleanser I have every used and will clean a variety of surfaces. It is a powder and you can find it where the other...
Moving Into an Apartment With a Friend - Tips and Advice?
Well, if youre reading you must have a level head of your shoulders!! Here are some tips from a senior citizen who has made almost every mistake I caution you about so I hope you will take them to heart and act wisely. Good luck and have a nice...
Acid Loving Plants?
Check this link for a partial list.
Killing Rhubarb?
Cutting off all above ground growth and then drilling a hold in the stump and filling hole with motor oil may work. This works on tree stumps and doesnt pollute the ground.
Uses for Hotel Shampoo Bottles
I pack 4 oz. bottles of shampoo and conditioner when I go on a trip and refill them with the little bottles provided in hotels and motels as I go along.
Grease in Washing Machine?
Household ammonia is a good degreaser. You might try running some of that through your washer, along with your detergent. Try it without any laundry, or with old rags. Also Fels-Naptha is good and this can be purchased from (Its on sale right...
Brown Sugar Pie Recipe?
A web search for brown sugar pie brought up over 800,000 hits. Surely one of them will work for you. Good luck.
Removing Rust From a Baby Blanket?
There are a number of rust removers on the market. Look in the cleaners section of your supermarket. They will lighten colors if fabric is not colorfast. I use Iron Out.
Nicotine On Wood Cabinets?
I used Thunderblast from Dollar General to remove nicotine from some furniture. Nicotine is a grease based stain. Advice: Buy 2-3 bottles, get plenty of old, soft rags to work with and lay in a supply of elbow grease, as this will take plenty of each!!
Starbucks - Grounds for Growth
One can probably find coffee grounds at several different places close to home--a nursing home, a hospital, a convenience store, a small cafe, a nearby restaurant. If you talk to the manager they may be willing to save some for you.
Flying Bugs Outside Our Door?
Hang a bug zapper right outside the door. I live in a buggy state and this helps a lot with flying insects that are attracted to light, especially at night..
The Best Place To Buy Vanilla Beans?
Glenbrook Farms ( has Madagascar vanilla beans on sale right now for $1.69 each.