Amateur radio is:-
A form of communication; a hobby; a community service. It could be a school teacher in Nova Scotia making friends over the radio with another Radio Amateur in New Zealand; an Alberta teenager using her computer to upload a chess move through her radio which is retrieved by a fellow chess fan in Florida via an amateur radio space satellite or a Strom Chaser in Texas contacting other Radio Amateurs to report weather to the N.W.S. Radio Amateurs also save lives as part of an emergency communications network. Amateur Radio operators also help during & after disasters:-
This unique mix of fun, convenience and Public Service is what distinguishes Amateur Radio. People get involved in Amateur Radio for many reasons, but they all have in common, a basic knowledge of radio Technology, regulations & operating principles.
Amateur Radio IS the Ability To Communicate When Needed
What Will You Do When The Phone System Is Knocked Out, Cell Phones Won't Work? how are you going to call for Help?
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