Knife Marks on Corelle Plates?
I have tried Bar Keepers Friend and also Cameo for aluminum and stainless steel. Both wonderful but not for this job. I will buy some Mr. Clean magic erasers and give that a try because it is a shame to buy new dishes if these marks can be removed.
Knife Marks on Corelle Plates?
The Magic Eraser did not work for me. I also tried vinegar and soda. I will try the soda and dish detergent next and when I run errands next week Ill buy some Bon Ami cleanser. You would think that something out there would work! Thank you for all your suggestions...
Knife Marks on Corelle Plates?
Nothing so far has fazed the marks and Im thinking they may be etched into the glass and WERE made by knives. Only the eating surfaces of the plates have the marks. The various size bowls and etc. are just fine. We use the bowls as much as we do the plates...
Tangy Meat Loaf
This recipe should work for gluten free intolerant people. I never thought of using rice krispies.
Getting Rid of Washing Machine Odor?
Everything suggested did not work for my machine, but someone mentioned using less detergent so I cut back to 1 1/2 teaspoon - way less then what I had been using. The clothes get just as clean and no more odor. I even accidentally purchased soap that was not...
Sloppy Joes
If you use really lean meat, you can dump all the ingredients into the pan together, stir until crumbly and cook until done. The texture of the meat will be finer and softer. If you feel there is too much liquid, you can drain most of it off.
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Material Bunching Up in Sewing Machine Feed Plate?
On my machines you need to make sure the bobbin and upper threads are pulled toward the back of the machine before you start to sew.
Cleaning a Burned Stainless Steel Pan?
Try putting water in the pan and bringing it to a boil and then use the soap pad when it cools off enough. If that does not work buy some stainless steel cleaner, which I know works for me.
Using Stale Bread
We prevent the stale bread by putting 4-5 slices in a quart freezer bag and freezing the bread. It is very easy to take individual slices out. They thaw quickly on a counter or can be zapped a few seconds in the microwave or you can stick directly into a toaster...
Do Thermal Insulated Curtains Really Help?
Yes they do and when they were replaced I used them like meat in a sandwich in some lap robes. That worked out far better then I expected. The lap robes were around for a very long time!
LG Bottom Freezer Always Has Frost Buildup?
Just had a repair man here because my brand new frost free freezer had frost. He took one look and said air was getting in somehow. The appliance company changed the handle from one side to the other and left a gap along the door and the frame.
Adjusting Sewing Machine Tension?
Make sure you hold the upper thread and bobbin thread toward the back when you begin to sew a seam. That might help with the boggled up mess of thread by the bobbin.